Chalk Group Lithostratigraphy: Northern England - Easthorpe Tabular Flints

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These consist of three prominent tabular flints in a c. 1 m chalk interval, underlain by flaser bedded chalks with the trace fossil Zoophycos and the echinoids Micraster and Echinocorys, and overlain by a c. 2 m bed of laminate chalk with flattened burrow-form flints (Gaunt et al., 1992). They are laterally variable in thickness and habit, sometimes being solid or carious (Gaunt et al., 1992).

Macrofossil Biozonation: M. cortestudinarium Zone

Correlation: see Correlation with other UK Chalk Group successions


GAUNT, G D, FLETCHER, T P & WOOD, C J. 1992. Geology of the country around Kingston-upon-Hull and Brigg. Memoir of the British Geological Survey.