Geologists: biographies and obituaries, a bibliography — U

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Udall J.

Obituary - John Udall. [In Anniversary Address.] Proceedings of the Geological Society of London in QJGS v. 77, part 1921. p. lxix

Ulrich E.O.

Obituary - Edward Oscar Ulrich; Foreign Correspondent. Proceedings of the Geological Society of London in QJGS v. 100, part 1944. p. lviii-lix

Ulrich F.

Obituary - Frantosek Ulrich. Born 11th November 1899, died 21st October 1941. Mineralogical Magazine v. 28, part 199 1947. p. 222

Ulrich G.H.F.

Obituary - George Henry Frederick Ulrich. [In Anniversary Address.] Proceedings of the Geological Society of London in QJGS v. 57, part 1901. p. lix

Ungemach H.L.

Obituary - Henri Leon Ungemach. Born 10th September 1879, died 11th June 1936. Mineralogical Magazine v. 25, part 165 1939. p. 303–304

Unwin C.W.

List of deceased members (1976) - Professor O. Holtedahl, Mrs. S.E. Posieszalski, J. Callahan, W.H. Fordham, G.H. Mitchell, B.H. Mottram, E.W. Owens, C.W. Unwin. Proceedings of the Geologists Association v. 88, part 1 1977. p. 47

Unwin R.

Obituary - Robert Lieut.-Colonel Unwin. Born in 1868, died 10th April 1929. Proceedings of the Geologists Association v. 41, part 1 1930. p. 100

Unwin R.B.

List of deceased members (1929) - J. Barrow, E.S. Curwen, W.H. Dalton, R.du B. Evans, Sir H.G. Fordham, J.G. Hawke, H. Muller, S. Rideal, Prof. E.W.L. Schwarz, W.J. Spratling, Lieut.-Col. R.B. Unwin, Miss M. Vobe, Mrs. R. Wilkins, G.W. Young. Proceedings of the Geologists Association v. 41, part 1 1930. p. 95

Upton A.E.

List of deceased members (1963) - F.I. Davies, G. Delepine, E.E.L. Dixon, C.T.A. Gaster, B.S. Gossling, W.D. Hills, W.B.R. King, Lady Kitson, F. Nichols, R.W. Stott, H.E. Taylor, A.E. Upton, Mme. P. Viger, E.J. Waddon, S.W. Woolridge, F.E. Zeuner. Proceedings of the Geologists Association v. 75, part 1 1964. p. 93

Ure A.

Obituary - Dr. Andrew Ure. (1778–1857.) [In Anniversary Address.] Proceedings of the Geological Society of London in QJGS v. 13, part 1857. p. lxix

Ussher W.A.E.

Obituary - William Augustus Edmond Ussher. [In Anniversary Address.] Proceedings of the Geological Society of London in QJGS v. 77, part 1921. p. lxxiii-lxxiv

Uttley G.H.

Obituary - George Harry Uttley. Proceedings Geological Society of London part 1592 1961. p. 150–151