OR/14/004 Acknowledgements

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Thomson, A W P (Editor), Beggan, C, Kelly, G, Baillie, O, Viljanen, A, and Ngwira, C. 2014. Project EURISGIC: worst case scenarios (Technical note D5.1). British Geological Survey Open Report, OR/14/004.

The research leading to these results has received funding from the European Community’s Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007–2013) under grant agreement No. 260330.

Geomagnetic and geoelectric data provided by worldwide institutes, for example through INTERMAGNET, is gratefully acknowledged.

Full IPR for the results provided by FMI (see Worst case scenario research at FMI) and NASA and the Catholic University of America (see Worst case scenario research at NASA and Catholic University of America) rest with these organisations. The editor thanks the contributors from these institutes for permission to include their results in this document.