OR/14/064 World bank project context

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Kessler, H, and Dearden, R. 2014. Scoping study for a Pan-European geological data infrastructure: D3.4: technical requirements for serving 3D geological models. British Geological Survey, OR/14/072.

Project background

The project is designed within the context of eoworld to demonstrate the benefits of satellite Earth Observation (EO) technology as a standard tool in planning, implementing, monitoring and assessing for World Bank projects/programmes, and further to establish its use in World Bank operations on a sustainable basis. This project is focussed on ‘risk information services for disaster risk management in the Caribbean’ a title that has been abbreviated to EO-RISC (Earth Observation for Risk Information Services in the Caribbean) internally by the British Geological Survey (BGS) which is undertaking the project on behalf of the European Space Agency (ESA).

EO-RISC is addressing various issues in the Caribbean. In broad terms, the Latin America and Caribbean Regional Disaster Risk Management and Urban Unit (LCSDU) in partnership with the Global Facility for Disaster Reduction Recovery (GFDRR) has begun the ‘Caribbean Risk Information Programme to support the Integration of Disaster Risk Management Strategies in Critical Sectors’ project. This has been initiated in order to strengthen the regional and national capacity to create and use hazard and risk information for planning and development processes, and consists of four components:

  1. creation of a geospatial information basis, focusing on the collation, quality control and adequate storing, management and sharing of existing geospatial data in a spatial data infrastructure,
  2. development of a methodological framework for the development of hazard and risk information for development and planning processes,
  3. implementation of five national pilot hazard studies aimed at implementing the methodological framework in partnership with Caribbean countries, and
  4. integrating institutional strengthening as a cross-cutting activity to all components.

This LCSDU/GFDRR activity forms part of the Probabilistic Risk Assessment (CAPRA) Program whose objective is to enhance the capacity of targeted sectors in Latin America and the Caribbean region to develop and mainstream disaster risk information into development programs and policies by providing knowledge products and services. Counterpart agencies are the Ministries of Works and Physical Planning in the following countries: Belize, Dominica, Grenada St. Lucia, St. Vincent and the Grenadines, Haiti, Guyana and Jamaica. With a focus on national-level landslide and flood hazard assessments, country-wide baseline data and information are required. They span a broad range such as: Land Use/Land Cover, updating of river and stream courses, extent of lakes, water bodies, and watersheds, basic road network, landslide inventory, Digital Elevation Models, geology including fault lines, geomorphology, soil maps, etc.

The EO-RISC project specifically addresses the four target countries of Belize, Grenada, St. Lucia, and St. Vincent & the Grenadines (Figure 1), each if which is affected by natural hazards.

Figure 1    Location of the four target countries for EO-RISC. 1. Belize, 2. Grenada, 3. St. Vincent and the Grenadines, 4. St. Lucia © OpenStreetMap contributors.

The Caribbean itself is in the path of Atlantic hurricanes bringing extreme weather which, in combination with the terrain and geological conditions, makes them prone to landslides. Furthermore there is a susceptibility to floods, storm surges and tsunamis. The seismic and volcanic activity in the area also poses a hazard. In addition, it was noted in van Westen (2014)[1] that ‘the small island states in the Caribbean — especially those of volcanic origin with rugged and steep terrain — have limited suitable surface area for development and agricultural production. Most of the population live along the coast… these areas are affected by floods’ while ‘vital infrastructure that traverses the mountainous areas can be severely damaged by landslides… these events have a severe impact on the relatively small economy of these countries’.

Table 1    General disaster management and hazard characteristics for the four countries in EO-RISC
(Source: CDEMA website, and modified from van Westen, 2014[1])
Belize St. Lucia St. Vincent and the Grenadines Grenada
Area 22 806 km2 606 km2 389 km2 (St. Vincent 344 km2) with 32 islands and cays 344 km2
Coastline 386 km 158 km 84 km 121 km
Terrain Flat, swampy coastal plain; low mountains in south. Max. elevation 1160 m Volcanic and mountainous with some broad, fertile valleys. Max. elevation: 950 m Volcanic, mountainous. Max. elevation: 1234 m Volcanic in origin with central mountains. Max elevation: 840 m
Natural hazards Frequent, devastating hurricanes (June to November) and coastal flooding (especially in south), Hurricanes and volcanic activity, debris flows, flashfloods Hurricanes; Soufriere volcano on the island of Saint Vincent is a constant threat. Flashfloods and landslides Lies on edge of hurricane belt; hurricane season lasts from June to November. Flashfloods and landslides.
Hazard characteristics Hurricanes and tropical storms are the principal hazards, causing severe losses from wind damage and flooding due to storm surge and heavy rainfall. Hurricanes Keith (2000), and Iris (2001) caused some of the worst damage ever, reaching 45% (US$280 million) and 25% of GDP, respectively. Saint Lucia’s mountainous topography coupled with its volcanic geology means that it experiences landslides, particularly in the aftermath of heavy rains. Much of the island’s housing is distributed along steep slopes and poorly engineered and constructed housing is particularly at risk. Additionally, the island periodically experiences earthquakes of generally lower magnitudes. Also storm surge and flash floods are among the other risks regularly faced by the island. Landslides, particularly on the larger islands, are a significant hazard and the risk is increased during the seasonal rains. Coastal flooding is a major concern particularly relating to storm surge and high wave action. The Grenadines are more susceptible to drought. The active volcano La Soufriere, located on the north end of St. Vincent is another risk factor, posing threats from shallow earthquake and eruption events. Since 1900, St. Vincent has been hit by 8 named storms, the strongest being Hurricane Allen (Category 4), which passed between St. Lucia and St. Vincent in 1980. The 1939 eruption of the volcano Kick‐‘em‐Jenny located some 100 km reports S of Grenada, generated a 2‐meter high tsunami. The country was heavily affected by Hurricane Ivan in 2004, and Hurricane Emily in 2005. There are two active volcanoes in Grenada, Mount St. Catherine in the center of the island and the submarine volcano Kick‐‘em‐Jenny is located 8 km north of the island and has led to tsunami in the past. Flood risk in Grenada is largely associated with storm surge in low lying coastal areas. Flash flooding from mountain streams coupled with storm surge events are the primary causes of flood events and effects are generally limited to communities located in the coastal margins along stream passages. Landslides are a common event in Grenada, with much of the impact experienced along the roadway network.
Population 334 297 (2013) 174 000 (2010) 104 574 (2009) 110 000 (‐)

The susceptibility to natural hazards described above makes monitoring hazards, understanding their causes, and potentially forecasting their locations a vital task in the geographic region.

EO-RISC is linked to the World Bank project ‘Handbook for the assessment of landslide and flood hazards and risks to support development processes’ that is led by ITC (Faculty of Geo-Information Science and Earth Observation) at the University of Twente. The principal objective is to strengthen the regional and national capacity of governments in the Caribbean Region to develop or procure the development of landslide and flood hazard and risk information. Four main components of the ITC/WB project are:

  1. the development of a methodological framework for the generation of landslide and flood hazards and risk information required for DRM to be documented in a handbook;
  2. the implementation of national-level hazard mapping studies to test and refine the methodological framework;
  3. the compilation and creation of data to support the implementation of national-level hazard mapping studies; and
  4. capacity building in the application of the methodological framework.

The WB/ITC project is working on same islands as EO-RISC, with the addition of Dominica. Having started prior to EO-RISC, and having a broader remit (e.g. ITC will produce landslide risk assessments, while EO-RISC will provide a landslide inventory) and funding base, ITC and their partners have already established contacts in-country and engaged with the appropriate institutions. It has been agreed that EO-RISC will work closely with the existing WB project including:

  • utilising the ITC and partners as users
  • sharing data and expertise as appropriate and possible within IPR conditions
  • providing products and services to ITC
  • coordinating work with ITC (e.g. to potentially increase the temporal or spatial coverage if each institution was working in isolation)
  • cross-validating methods and products
  • collaborating in the field, where appropriate and efficient
  • sharing stakeholder events
  • contributing to reports, products and services, as appropriate.

All sixteen eoworld projects are following the same work logic that comprises three primary tasks:

Task 1 – Service Set-up
Task 2 – Service production, quality checking, initial validation and delivery
Task 3 – Service assessment.

This Service Readiness Document is the deliverable for Task 1. Details of this task are outlined below, derived from the Statement of Work:

Task 1 — Service Set-up


  • Requirements driving the definition of EO information products/services as described in the Annexes of the SOW.
  • Contractor’s proposal (including first assessment of EO data required)


  • Establish direct contact with World Bank users, verify that the type, scope and scale of planned service production is consistent with any evolution in project requirements, further consolidate the participation and activities expected of the users, define and establish the use and role of any ancillary/in-situ information required and the methods for how EO products/services can be validated against this information, begin discussion how the assessment of the utility/value/benefit of EO products/services will be carried out (what success criteria?, quantitative? qualitative?)
  • Define the procurement plan for all EO data required, confirm availability and negotiate procurement agreements with data suppliers/mission operators (including any discounts on full commercial prices)
  • Participate in a 2-day Service Readiness Review (SRR) to be held at World Bank (Washington DC) at KO + 1 month (jointly organised and chaired by World Bank and ESA) to finalise with the users the specifications and delivery schedule all of EO products — services to be produced
  • Consolidate all outcomes of the Service Review meeting into a Service Readiness Document.


  • D1: Service Readiness Document (SRD) i.e. this document.

The Activities have been extracted directly from the SoW, and therefore there are some caveats to note.

  • Establishing direct contact with World Bank users was discussed with the WB TTL (Dr Melanie Kappes) and the ITC (Dr Dinand Alkema & Dr Cees van Westen) who are already running the project in the region that EO-RISC is to coordinate with. WB and ITC requested that we do not contact the users directly, and in fact their preliminary assessment report (Draft version May 2014) states that ‘The contractor of ESA (this service will be carried out by the British Geological Survey) will not by-pass ESA and WB and will only contact ITC or the user via ESA and the World Bank’. BGS understands this request as we do not want to confuse the users with multiple contacts and we have agreed to work closely with ITC who have already been in contact with users, albeit with some different priorities to the EO-RISC project.
  • Participate in a 2-day Service Readiness Review (SRR) at KO + 1 month. This SRR was cancelled by ESA, therefore we have lost the primary opportunity to liaise with the users and to understand their expectations, specifications and requirements.

The aim of EO-RISC is to deliver three services including i) land use/land cover mapping, ii) hazard mapping to support landslide risk assessment, and iii) Digital Elevation Model (DEM) as outlined in Table 2.

Table 2    Services to be delivered by EO-RISC
Service Number Service type Service coverage Comment
# 1 Land use/land cover mapping St. Vincent and the Grenadines St. Lucia Grenada Dominica was replaced by St. Vincent & the Grenadines at the request of the WB.
# 2 Hazard mapping to support landslide risk assessment Grenada St. Lucia Landslide inventory map of Grenada at 1:20 000. Landslide inventory map of ST Lucia at 1:20 000 with key areas (no more than 50%) at 1:10 000.
# 3 Digital Elevation Model (DEM) Belize Nationwide DEM covering 80% of the territory, and a high resolution DEM covering no more than 100 km2

Each of the services has mandatory requirements that were outlined in the SoW and listed below:

  1. Land use/land cover mapping — shall seek to capture vegetation, sealed surfaces, basic road network, water bodies. The water features (vector) product shall include rivers, streams, lakes, water bodies and watersheds. The project is focussing on hazard analysis at a national level, therefore detailed information on building footprint/building type/location etc. is not a priority. Geometric accuracy: depends on the spatial resolution of the input EO data, typically <1 pixel. Spatial resolution: MMU; metric depending on the pixel size of the raster product(s). Thematic accuracy: target between 90% and 80% (depending on the quality of the EO data). In the absence of ground truth data or aerial photos, methods for checking the thematic accuracy shall be proposed, documented and applied by the contractor. Period and update frequency: the date of the satellite observations used for mapping shall not be older than 3 years. Preferred EO sources are primarily Very High Resolution optical (VHRO) but others such as High Resolution Optical (HRO) or Landsat shall be considered if justified. The minimum spatial coverage of the product shall correspond to a representation portion (80%) of the AOI.
  2. Hazard mapping to support landslide risk assessment. The service shall comprise:
  1. Landslide inventory mapping shall seek to capture as far as possible information on landslides including the location, and where known, the date of occurrence and types of observable landslides.
  2. A DEM generated using EO data (such as SPOT or ASTER) or other non-EO data to be proposed by the bidder.
  3. Ground truth in St. Lucia and Grenada. Collecting in-situ measurement to support the landslide hazard mapping.

Geometric accuracy: depends on the spatial resolution of the input EO data, typically <1 pixel

Spatial resolution: typically at a scale of 1:20 000. Key areas of St. Lucia (no more than 50%) will have a spatial resolution of 1:10 000 (as agreed during contract negotiations).

The DEM should have a spatial grid of 30 m or better.

Thematic accuracy: target between 90% and 80% (depending on the quality of the EO data). In the absence of ground truth data or aerial photos, methods for checking the thematic accuracy shall be proposed, documented and applied by the Value Adding specialist. The DEM should have a vertical accuracy in the range of 5 to around 10 meters.

Period and update frequency: As a baseline survey, satellite observations used for hazard mapping shall not be older than 2010. In addition, to make the analysis more robust, it is intended that they are complemented with several past observations using imagery from previous acquisition dates. The satellite observations used for the DEM mapping should not be more than 5 years old.

Preferred EO data sources: It is expected that the landslide inventory is based on the analysis of optical imagery, possibly combining different viewing angles and different observation times. Interferometic methods such as Persistent Scatterers Interferometry can be considered but it is anticipated that the necessary conditions are not met to apply this because of the limited archive data availability and the characteristics of the site (e.g. vegetation cover).

Related information: the minimum requirements are for the landslide risk inventory and the DEM to correspond to a representative portion (minimum 60%). Ground truthing shall be on a sample basis.

  1. The Digital Elevation Model service shall comprise
  1. DEM at high resolution over the whole of the AOI
  2. A precise DEM shall be provided as a demonstration over a limited area <100 km2, to support hazard/risk assessment.

Geometric accuracy: depends on the spatial resolution of the input data, typically <1 pixel.

Spatial resolution: MMU metric depending on pixel size of the raster product(s). The DEM should have a spatial grid of 30 m or better, and the precise DEM should have a spatial grid of around 1 m.

Thematic accuracy: The DEM should have a vertical accuracy in the range of 5 to around 10 meters. The precise DEM should have a vertical accuracy between 1 and 1.5 meters.

Period and update frequency: Satellite observations used for DEM mapping should not be more than 5 years old.

Preferred EO data sources: The DEM should be at least of the quality of the ASTER GDEM (version 2). The precise DEM shall be based on VHRO data/stereo imagery. It is intended that it will be produced using stereo imagery or, if possible, using triple acquisitions with different viewing angles.

Related information/comments: The spatial coverage of the DEM shall correspond to a representative portion (minimum 80%) of the AOI. The precise DEM shall cover only a limited portion, agreed as <100 km2 and shall cover an area specified by and agreed with WB/ITC.

There are several EO-related issues that this project is addressing. The primary issue is that there is a limited archive of radar data so we are restricted to using optical data in this tropical humid climate zone with abundant cloud cover. Whilst some archive data exist, we need to task the acquisition of VHRO data including Pleiades. This is a challenge because discussions were ongoing between ESA and Airbus regarding TPM contracts to acquire Pleiades data, therefore the tasking was not accepted until 6 August 2014. June to November is the rainy season, therefore it will be a challenge to acquire suitably cloud-free imagery in the timescale of this project.

Requirements for geo-spatial information

EO-RISC will deliver a range of products/services that require certain geospatial information to underpin their delivery. This selection of information has been included specifically for this project because it relates to the terrain and climate conditions of the region. It should be noted that other information may be more suitable for other geographic areas.

Some information is mandatory in order to deliver the products/services while there is additional geospatial information that could either increase the accuracy of the products, or potentially add to their usability. The geospatial information required by EO-RISC is listed below.

EO data are listed in Section 2.4 and Section 4 and therefore will not be included in detail here. The EO data will be used to produce elevation information, land cover/land use information, and both manual and automatic methods will be used to extract/interpret landslide inventory data.

In addition to the information directly produced from the EO data, it is useful to have pre- existing information that can a) provide a baseline either derived from other sources e.g. in-situ or from time periods prior to the existence of satellites, b) provide calibration/validation information to improve the accuracy of the information derived from the satellite imagery and c) provide information that is difficult to obtain from satellite data e.g. administrative boundaries that might be of importance when assessing risk.

Elevation information at a suitable scale and accuracy is vital for a variety of reasons including:

  • direct mapping of features such as landslides
  • direct and indirect mapping of geology and soils
  • modelling of drainage flow paths and drainage basins
  • modelling flooding including surface water run-off routes and coastal surges
  • as a means of displaying complex information to a range of users, e.g. plotting a landslide inventory map onto a shaded relief to explain potential correlations.

Elevation data (including contours) were historically derived from ground surveys and aerial photogrammetry. This project aims to deliver elevation data at a variety of scales from satellite imagery, highlighting the coverage and ease of use of this type of information from satellite sources.

Land cover and land use information. EO-RISC is tasked with producing maps of vegetation, sealed surfaces, basic road network, water bodies. The water features (vector) product shall include rivers, streams, lakes, water bodies and watersheds. The project is focussing on hazard analysis at a national level, therefore detailed information on building footprint/building type/location etc. is not a priority. Existing satellite-derived land use/land cover maps for ca. 2000 are available for Grenada, St. Lucia and St. Vincent and the Grenadines (Helmer et al., 2007[2]; 2008[3]). It is intended to use these as a baseline during service production. Specifically, these existing maps will be used to help define the appropriate land use/land cover classes, to define training areas for supervised image classification, and for validation purposes. The thematic accuracy of the land use/land cover maps produced as part of this service will be determining using the standard confusion matrix approach. Validation parcels with unambiguous class identifies will be identified using a combination of the RapidEye and Pleiades imagery, and existing maps, wherever land use/land cover can be reasonably assumed to have remained unchanged in the period between ca. 2000 and the acquisition date of the current imagery.

Current practices

The schedule for EO-RISC included a brief period at the outset of the project to compile this SRD, therefore it has not been possible to conduct an exhaustive review of the geospatial information sources or practices currently being used by WB teams and local users. However we can draw upon previous research undertaken by BGS and current research being done by the ITC/WB CHARIM project.

There are a range of skills and experience amongst the local users, ranging from little or no use of geospatial data, to complex use and understanding e.g. at the University of West Indies, which has campuses at Barbados, Jamaica, Trinidad & Tobago and an Open Campus with 52 education centres in 16 different countries including St. Lucia, Grenada and St. Vincent & the Grenadines. BGS coordinated with the Unit for Disaster Studies at the University of West Indies in 2000 on a project funded by the UK Department for International Development (DfID) in Jamaica to carry out a landslide hazard mapping case study. That project utilised a range of geospatial data including geology, soils, elevation, vegetation, climate, seismicity and a landslide inventory derived from aerial photography, Radarsat imagery, and fieldwork, supplemented by extant published information. Table 3 lists the geospatial information sources currently used in the Caribbean.

Table 3    Geospatial information sources currently used by WB teams and/or local users
(derived from van Westen, 2014)
Current geospatial information sources Grenada St. Vincent and the Grenadines St. Lucia Belize
DEM 10 m raster DEM (source unknown) and partial LiDAR coverage 5 m raster DEM (higher parts are not covered). There are LiDAR data of St. Vincent but the format is incorrect so they cannot be analysed 50 m raster maps and contours with 2.5 m intervals ASTER and SRTM. Higher resolution data are urgently required for flood risk modelling.
Landcover USDA 30 m raster map Polygon map exists with 11 land use classes 1:50 000 raster maps. Vegetation information is in vector format
Elements-at-risk Non-attributed building footprints Not available Available for the country, including building footprints — though occupancy and structural type is unavailable Not available
Geological map A very general one is available, made by USGS A very general one is available, made by USGS Vector map is available
Soil map A 1959 soils report exists but ITC have not been able to obtain the 1959 map General soil map from USAID from 1990 Vector map is available General map has been scanned by ITC
Discharge data Continuous stream flow data do not exist None available None available None available
Geotechnical data None available to date None available None available
Rainfall data Approx 50 rainfall stations. None obtained thusfar, but Hourly rainfall data for 24 Missing
Data is not continuous. Data available from the Land Use Division, Ministry of Agriculture, Lands, Forestry and Fisheries rainfall stations do exist stations
Landslide inventory and hazard map 1988: OAS study for selected towns. 2006: CBD/CDERA study — limited inventory of 40 landslides, but not available digitally Landslide footprints are available, but there is no detail 2010 inventory map has been produced from satellite imagery Not applicable
Socio-economic data Missing Missing Missing Missing

The data listed above are utilised by World Bank and local users through a variety of projects and initiatives. In Grenada mapping and GIS capability is managed predominantly by the Ministry for Agriculture, but progress is limited. A school landslide vulnerability assessment has been completed (https://www.oas.org/CDMP/document/schools/vulnasst/gre.htm). No comprehensive multi-hazard map compilation has been prepared. The WB is implementing a Disaster Vulnerability Reduction Programme (DVRP). Component 2 (Disaster and Climate Risk Reduction) of the Disaster Vulnerability Reduction Project which would consist of new construction and rehabilitation of existing infrastructure in order to reduce their vulnerability to natural hazards and climate change. Included within the activities are consultancy services to undertake soil investigation mitigation measures for landslip sites in several sites.

In St. Vincent and the Grenadines, progress in preparation of hazard maps is limited. To date, risk mapping has been limited to volcanic risks and some coastal vulnerability analyses. Basic GIS-ready maps of roads, contours, rivers, coastlines, agricultural & urban land use have been prepared — primarily available through the Ministry of Planning and the National Emergency Managements Organisation (NEMO). The WB is implementing a Disaster Vulnerability Reduction Programme (DVRP). Components include identification and creation of required baseline data for hazard assessment; development of institutional systems for the collection, sharing and management of geospatial data among national agencies and with regional institutions; training and education in applications integrating geospatial data systems, hazard and risk assessment to support decision making within various sectors and mainstream the use of these tools as a standard practice in development planning.

In St. Lucia, hazard maps have been produced for debris flows, but these may not reflect current conditions. Furthermore, (NEMO) is not equipped to support GIS data and there is no program to support additional hazard mapping. The WB is implementing a DVRP. Component 2 (Technical Assistance, Regional Collaboration Platforms for Hazard and Risk Evaluation, Geospatial Data Management, and Applications for Improved Decision-Making) would finance: a series of capacity-building, knowledge-building and technical assistance interventions at the national and regional levels to support disaster risk management and climate change adaptation. There are specific areas that have been identified and proposed as high priorities for intervention. At the national level, activities would include, inter alia: i) enhancement of national hydro-meteorological monitoring networks; ii) development of an integrated watershed management plan for flood mitigation; iii) technical assistance for the establishment of maintenance monitoring systems for bridges and public buildings that would integrate natural hazards and extreme events considerations; iv) establishment of geo-spatial data sharing and management platform and related training activities; and v) climate change adaptation public education and awareness campaigns. The GeoNode platform for Saint Lucia https://sling.gosl.gov.lc is accessible.

In Belize, no nationwide flood hazard maps have been made for the country based on hydrological modelling, and the source of the only flood map identified by van Westen (2014) was unclear. However, hazard mapping has been completed in several areas with GIS datasets covering landslide risk, volcanic hazard assessment and storm hazards amongst others. Belize is participating in the Central American Probabilistic Risk Assessment (CAPRA) platform but the initiative remains modest in Belize.

The role of EO

This section is intended to consider what the WB and local users will be expecting EO to contribute. Once again it should be clarified that BGS has not had direct contact with the local users yet, since it has all been channelled through WB and the ITC. Direct contact will happen at the CHARIM meeting in St. Vincent while we are conducting the fieldwork. Therefore we cannot ascertain exactly what the local users are expecting EO to contribute in detail. Nevertheless, we know that the WB has identified a lack of the most basic spatial data such as updated land use maps or good quality DEMs, while other studies (such as CHARIM) have established that EO data are seen as a solution to fill the current baseline information gaps in the region. Furthermore, EO data are also envisaged as an efficient way to update baseline data in the future. It is envisaged that demand for satellite imagery and derived products will grow once local users gain more familiarity with these types of data.

Radar data could provide valuable input to the products and services required of the project, however there are no suitable archives of ESA or TPM datasets. Nevertheless ESA have agreed to add the eastern Caribbean to the background acquisition profile of Sentinel-1A, therefore some of those data (hopefully a time series) could be available to incorporate into the project in due course.

The role of EO in this project will be primarily filled by high and very high resolution optical data including Pleiades and RapidEye, supplemented by Landsat-8, ASTER and SRTM. Some datasets are clearly lacking in the region e.g. high resolution elevation data in Belize, and this project will provide significant updates in the form of a 20 m DEM derived from SPOT data along with a high resolution DEM for 100 km2 in Belize if the Pleiades satellite is able to acquire suitable imagery within the project timeframe.

Table 4 identifies the broad EO datasets that will be acquired by the project and lists the role that each one will play. Further detail on the EO data is provided in the Data Procurement Plan later in this report.

Table 4    Role of EO data in each service
Service Service type Service coverage Role of EO data
# 1 Land use/land cover mapping St. Vincent and the Grenadines

St. Lucia

Pleiades, RapidEye & Landsat 8 — a combination of automatic feature extraction and manual digitisation of features where appropriate.
ASTER GDEM & SRTM DEM used with the optical data to visualise and refine the land use maps.
# 2 Hazard mapping to support landslide risk assessment Grenada St. Lucia Pleiades (tasked stereo), RapidEye & ASTER will be the data sources for the landslide inventory using automatic feature extraction (bare soil as an indicator of active landsliding) and manual interpretation. A selection of features will be corroborated with fieldwork.
# 3 Digital Elevation Model (DEM) Belize i) Pleiades (tasked tri-stereo) — precise DEM for ~100 km2 area around Philip Goldson International Airport

ii) SPOT HRS 30 m DEM — high resolution DEM for 11792 km2, covering 8952 km2 of Belize landmass.
iii) ASTER stereo — 30 m DEM covering at least 80% of the area.


  1. 1.0 1.1 Van Westen C J (2014). Preliminary Assessment Report: CHARIM Caribbean Handbook on Risk Information management. ITC, University of Twente.
  2. Helmer, E H, Schill, S, Pedreror, D H, Kennaway, T, Cushing, W M, Coan, M J, Wood, E C, Ruzycki, T, and Tieszen, L L (2007). Forest formation and land cover map series- Caribbean Islands. U.S. Geological Survey/Earth Resources Observation and Science (EROS), Land Cover Applications and Global Change, International Land Cover and Biodiversity, Caribbean Land Cover Analyses.
  3. Helmer E H, Kennaway T A, Pedreros D H, Clark M L, Marcano-Vega H, Tieszen L L, Ruzycki T R, Schill S R and Carrington C M (2008). Land cover and forest formation distribution for St. Kitts, Nevis, St. Eustatius, Grenada and Barbados from Decision Tress Classification of cloud-cleared satellite imagery. Caribbean Journal of Science. Vol. 44, No.2, 175–189.