OR/15/038 Monitoring

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Gareth Farr (with contributions from Luz Ramos Cabrera). 2015. Nedern Brook Wetland SSSI Phase 1 hydrological monitoring. British Geological Survey Internal Report, OR/15/038.

Monthly monitoring visits were undertaken between October 2014 and May 2015. Observations on the brook and the wetlands were made from the ‘Cwm’ in the north to its mouth in the Bristol Channel (Figure 2). Information on the location of key groundwater discharge areas was also collected. Detailed survey elevations were collected from repeatable locations near all water level data loggers in both the dipwells and the stilling wells in the brook (see Appendix 2 - Elevation survey data).

Figure 1    Flow gauging at ‘Nedern DS’ using a Sontek M9 ADCP view south (Photograph with permission of Hydrometry & Telemetry Team South East Wales, Natural Resources Wales).
Figure 2    Hydrometric Monitoring Locations within the Nedern Brook catchment. Contains Ordnance Survey data © Crown Copyright and database rights 2015.

Surface water

Spot flow gauging was undertaken by Paul Griffiths, John Evans, Ross Adamson and Kris Tomsett staff from Natural Resources Wales’ Hydrometry & Telemetry Team, South East Wales. Spot flow gauging was undertaken at three sites on the Nedern Brook (Table 1, Figure 2, Figure 3) during low, medium and high flow conditions using a Sontek M9 ADCP (Figure 1). The sites represent inflow to the top of the SSSI (‘Nedern Brook at Tyne Cottages’) and outflow (Nedern DS and Nedern Castle Car Park).

Figure 3    Hydrometric Monitoring Locations within the Nedern Brook Wetland SSSI catchment. Contains Ordnance Survey data © Crown Copyright and database rights 2015.

Stilling wells were installed at the start of the project at two locations called Nedern Brook US and DS (Figure 2). Later on, in January 2015, an additional stilling well was installed further up the Nedern Brook underneath the bridge near Tyne Cottages to complement the spot gauging and to allow for stage-discharge relationships to be calculated in the future. Due to this stilling well being installed part way through the project the data from this site only covers part of the study period.

Surface water gauging was also attempted within the SSSI boundary at the small tributary (ST 48654 89452) and at the ‘Nedern US’ monitoring point (ST 48427 89489). However both were ruled out for further monitoring due to access. Both sites can be entirely flooded and conversely experience extremely low flow velocities during dry periods.

Visual observations of surface water flow were undertaken during the monthly monitoring visits, starting upstream on the Castrogi Brook ‘Cwm’ where the surface water is known to sink and has been traced to the Great Spring (Drew et al 1970, Clarke & Aldous, 1987[1] and Lawrence et al, 2013[2]). The Nedern Brook was observed throughout the SSSI section and then south through the industrial estate to the outflow.


Groundwater levels in the bedrock Carboniferous Limestone aquifer are monitored at boreholes installed by Natural Resources Wales at Caldicot Castle Car Park, Tyne Cottages, Five Lanes and Dewstone Road (Figure 2, Table 1, Appendix 4 - Borehole logs). Each borehole is instrumented with a vented pressure transducer recording changes in groundwater levels every 30 minutes with the data corrected to maOD. To complement the groundwater level data within the Carboniferous Limestone aquifer a non-vented Solinst Level logger™ with a 10 m range was installed in Piezometer P3 monitoring the shallow clays and peats within the wetland (Figure 2, Figure 3). It was not possible to dip P3 during the majority of the study as it was fully submerged by flood waters.


Precipitation data on a 15 minute basis was provided by Natural Resources Wales from weather stations at Collister Pill and Llanvaches, the data was then converted to daily total (mm).

Elevation survey and flood map

Dipwells, piezometers and stilling wells were surveyed to maOD using a Leica Smart Rover CS10/CS15 & GS 14 Sensors, capable of surveying elevation to an accuracy of <5 cm. Flood levels of the Nedern Brook were also surveyed on a monthly basis to allow for corrections of the water level data loggers installed within the flooded area (Nedern US, Nedern P3 and to a lesser extent Nedern DS). The survey data is included in Appendix 2 - Elevation survey data. The water level data and survey data were combined, and the maximum and mean flood values were input into ArcView, with the 1 m LIDAR data for the area. The LIDAR was ‘flooded’ in order to create two flood maps.

Water chemistry

Water chemistry sampling was undertaken in Dec 2015, with samples collected from the Nedern Brook and flood waters. The samples were analysed at the Environment Agency National Labs. Due to the flood levels it was not possible to sample groundwater directly from the Piezometers, or from discharge from the Whirly Holes, both of which were under water. Field observations of temperature, pH and electrical conductivity were collected during site visits on the 18th December 2014 and 16th January 2015 using a Hannah HI98312 hand held temperature and electrical conductivity meter with an accuracy of ± 2% for electrical conductivity and ± .5°C for temperature. Results for the field parameters are presented in Appendix 3 - Field water chemistry, and the ion analysis in Table 3.

General observations

During each site visit a sketch map was made of the extent of flooding (Appendix 5 - Field maps with sketches of flood extent). Observations on the flow of water in the Nedern Brook were made from the Castrogi Brook ‘Cwm’ monitoring point upstream to the outflow into the Bristol Channel.

Table 1    Monitoring points and monitoring frequency.
Monitoring Point Source Type Method Depth (mbgl) Response Zone (mbgl) Frequency Easting Northing
Dipwell DW2 Groundwater Dipwell Manual Dip 0.86 0–0.86 60 minutes 348674 189360
Piezo P3 Groundwater Piezometer Data logger 1.78 1.815–2.115 Monthly 348675 189361
Dipwell D1 Groundwater Dipwell Manual Dip 0.76 0–0.76 Monthly 348638 189368
Piezo P1a Groundwater Piezometer Manual Dip 2.265 1.965–2.265 Monthly 348638 189368
Piezo P1 Groundwater Piezometer Manual Dip 3.07 2.77–3.07 Monthly 348638 189369
Barologger Atmospheric Pressure Barologger Data logger n/a n/a 30 Minutes 348685 189307
Nedern US Surface water Surface water Data logger n/a n/a 30 Minutes 348430 189486
Lower Hole Whirly Groundwater Spring/rising Visual n/a n/a Monthly 348163 189925
Upper Hole Whirly Groundwater Spring/rising Visual n/a n/a Monthly 347354 189943
Caldicot Country Park BH Groundwater NRW Observation Borehole Data logger 70 56–70 30 Minutes 348900 188200
Five Lanes BH Groundwater NRW Observation Borehole Data logger 55 22–55 30 Minutes 344800 190900
Tyne Cottage BH Groundwater NRW Observation Borehole Data logger 65 17–65 30 Minutes 347200 189900
Dewston Road BH Groundwater NRW Observation Borehole Data logger 60 5.1–60 30 Minutes 347100 188500
Great Spring Groundwater Abstraction Monitored by Network Rail Abstraction Monitored by Network Rail n/a Daily 350721 187374
Nedern at Tyne Cottages Surface water Nedern Brook NRW Spot Gauging and Data logger n/a n/a 30 Minutes 347195 189997
Nedern DS Surface water Nedern Brook NRW Spot Gauging and Data logger n/a n/a 30 Minutes 348674 188591
Nedern Castle Car Park Surface water Nedern Brook NRW Spot Gauging and Data logger n/a n/a 30 Minutes 348771 188369
Nedern Outflow Surface water Nedern Brook Visual n/a n/a Monthly 348985 187258
Castrogi Brook Sink at the ‘Cwm’ Surface water Castrogi Brook Visual n/a n/a Monthly 345879 192739


  1. CLARKE, L, and ALDOUS, P J. 1987. Hydrogeological investigations in the Chepstow Block, Gwent: Summary report. WRc Environment for the Welsh Office: restricted report CO1469-M/EV 8390.
  2. LAWRENCE, D J D, FARR, G J, WHITBREAD, K, and KENDALL, R. 2013. The geology, hydrogeology and vulnerability of the Great Spring Source Protection Zone. Commissioned Report CF/12/024 for Environment Agency Wales. Confidential Report.