OR/17/024 Survey 1 Results, Ethiopia

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Kebede, S, MacDonald, A M, Bonsor, H C, Dessie, N, Yehualaeshet, T, Wolde, G, Wilson, P, Whaley, L, and Lark, R M. 2017. UPGro Hidden Crisis Research Consortium — Survey 1 Country Report–Uganda . British Geological Survey Internal Report, OR/17/024.

The results of Survey 1 in Ethiopia, representing the functionality of boreholes equipped with handpumps in Woredas underlain by igneous rocks (404 Woredas mainly in the Ethiopian Highlands) are summarised below.

Functionality performance level % pass
Basic — working (yes/no) 82
Snapshot — provides sufficient yield (10 L/min) 59
Functionality performance — sufficient yield and reliability (<30 days downtime in last year) 45
Functionality including water quality(passes WHO inorganic parameters, and TTC) 28

The ‘Basic’ and ‘Snapshot’ assessments reflect the requirements of national survey assessments, whilst the more performance-focussed definitions are more relevant to local or regional surveys looking to track the functionality of individual water points or programmes through time.

The results of the basic survey (82%) are consistent with the estimates from the National WASH inventory. The more comprehensive assessments of functionality performance which include yield and reliability are considerably lower.

Water quality is considered a service issue rather than strictly functionality. We used the strict WHO standard of a failure being any measured TTC in the water, rather than a risk-based approach which would prioritise much higher concentrations of TTCs.

Basic functionality

Figure 3    Functionality assessed as working or not working.
Figure 4    Functionality assessed as working with sufficient yield (10 L/min).

Functionality performance

Figure 5    Functionality performance — sufficient yield (>10 L/min) and reliability (<30 days downtime in the last year).

Functionality performance — including water quality

Figure 6    Functionality performance, including water quality. Failure to meet WHO inorganic water quality parameters denoted by stipple overlay; failure to meet WHO TTC standards denoted by line overlay; failure to meet both denoted by dashed overlay.
Table 2    Percentage of the HPBs affected by different types of water quality issues. A significant proportion of HPBs are shown to have thermo-tolerant coliforms (TTC) in excess of the WHO drinking water standard

Water quality issues (%)

none TTC Inorganic both
fully functioning 27.5 15.2 2.3 0
good yield, unreliable 9.9 3.5 0 0.6
poor yield 7.5 2.9 0.6 0
poor yield, poor reliability 7.8 2.4 1.2 0.6
no Flow — not tested