OR/17/045 Appendix 4 - Suggestions for improvements to myVolcano from workshop participants

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Duncan, M, Mee, K, Hicks, A, Engwell, S, Robertson, R, Forbes, M, Ferdinand, I, Jordan, C, and Loughlin, S. 2017. Using the 'myVolcano' mobile phone app for citizen science in St. Vincent and the Grenadines: a pilot study. British Geological Survey Open Report, OR/17/045.

Identified by workshop participants


Suggestion Reasons Outcome Themes Comments
Ability for users to update and comment on observations Have a thread of information come through that people could update, would also be useful. Group B specifically mentioned this in their discussion. Assist with verification process Verification/validation and interaction
Adding an informed comment to the observations by the authorities The people who are validating the information could add to this information by adding something else, not by altering the original observation, but could add a comment to qualify the observation. More informative data output Visualisation and verification/validation
Change name/emphasis Instead of myVolcano, why not myIsland? Emphasis on volcanoes needs to be removed. Group A: emphasis on volcanoes needs to be weaker; Group C: two working at community scale said to increase the profile of the flood and landslide component. Final discussion suggestion of changing name. More interest and motivation to use the app Scope, perception and motivation Future app version or new app?
Change symbols Change symbols of observations (clouds) to represent the hazard. Instead of a cloud it would be better if they related to the type of observation being made. They should also reflect the level of danger to stop people having to investigate all the observations when time is essential and bandwidth is potentially low. Ability to make a faster visual analysis of the current situation Visualisation and data management The already developed multiple hazard tick list could be used as a means of filtering, with appropriate background information
Contact details of observer (‘citizen scientist’) To allow follow up of observations, could ask users to provide their contact information when downloading the app. Actionable information Communication, interaction and verification Originally not added to the functionality, owing to data protection implications
Data filter More visible timestamp or filtering by date/time. Could distinguish between information provided by the public and that provided by officials using separate maps or layers? How would you manage the observations in terms of how long you show them for? Is there a cut-off point that we could use after which we hide observations to avoid the map becoming crowded. Old versus new observations? Prioritise posts based on key words? Helps to manage issues related to low bandwidth, helps to avoid overcrowding of observations Visualisation, verification and data management
Detailed descriptions of hazards For instance the severity of the hazard. Increased usability of the data Data management The already developed multiple hazard tick list could be used as a means of filtering, with appropriate background information
Information about hazards e.g. red, yellow and green zones; basic information on hazards and mitigation. More informative Communication: awareness raising and education A layer could be added within the app
Information about a possible or current situation Guidance within the app on what a dangerous situation would look like; situation on the ground; area most affected; closed roads/passable roads Warnings from NEMO, Push notifications. More informative Communication: awareness raising, advice and decision-making Requires resource from NEMO and/or linking to existing notifications
Information on what to do What to do and what to expect next. Locations of shelters and emergency routes, including whether these are open or not. More informative Communication: advice and decision-making
Link to official organisations Emergency response organisations, including who and how to contact. More informative Communication: advice Home pages are a step towards this
More specific location information Latitude and longitude are meaningless and the maps require more detail to help users locate their observations. Location information needs to be more descriptive. The app should open directly at your location. Improved usability Localisation
Notifications Would be good to enable notification of observations or events for a specific area of interest. Could have push notifications/alerts using NEMO. More informative Motivation – increase up take if receiving information from NEMO. Requires resource from NEMO/linking to existing notifications
Offline functionality Group B noted that Digicel are currently working on methods for using apps and data when there is no internet.

Group C noted that the iPad did not cache any of the maps or observations Concern that communication systems would still be working, but also faith that authorities and companies would keep them going.

Greater redundancy Resilience of systems
Other media Integrating text information from people who do not have smart phones. Lots of people use Facebook. Capacity to upload videos and audio recordings? Integrated app All encompassing
Real time functionality Instantaneous information – if not in real time, not very useful. More informative in real-time Verification