OR/17/048 Acknowledgements

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Fellgett, M W, Kingdon, A, Williams, J D O, and Gent, C M A. 2017. State of stress across UK regions. British Geological Survey Internal Report, OR/17/048.

The authors would like to thank David Evans and Edward Hough for their review and comments to improve this report and the BGS records team and Library team, in particular Catherine Oldham and Lesley Gerrett for help in collating the legacy stress field information from the Coal Authority and the Hot Dry Rock Project. Rose diagrams were produced using the ‘circular’ package in R, see; Agostinelli and Lund (2013)[1] for details.


  1. Agostinelli, C, and Lund, U (2013). R package 'circular': Circular Statistics (version 0.4-7). URL https://r-forge.r-project.org/projects/circular/