OR/19/049 Drillers’ logs

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Kearsey, T, Gillespie, M, Entwisle, D, Damaschke, M, Wylde, S, Fellgett, M, Kingdon, A, Burkin, J, Starcher, V, Shorter, K, Barron, H, Elsome, J, Barnett, M, and Monaghan, A. 2019. UK Geoenergy Observatories Glasgow: GGC01 cored, seismic monitoring borehole — intermediate data release. British Geological Survey Internal Report, OR/19/049.

Daily drillers’ records

File names: BAA4202-GGC01_DL_page 8(2018-12-04).pdf and similar (17 files)

The daily drillers records were compiled by BAM Ritchies, the drilling contractors, and provide a summary of the operations that take place on the rig during one day. The reports contain information about the amount of rock that was drilled and cored during the day as well as the driller’s basic description of the lithology that was encountered — note that this is approximate, as it was through an opaque core liner. Information regarding hole diameter and casing diameter for each section drilled is also shown. The records are produced in the field and have not been reviewed. There are no records for the days where drilling did not take place.

All drilling was advanced using a rotary-cored method with water flush. This involves rotation of the core barrel as it is goes down and the retrieval of a core of material when the barrel is pulled back to the surface.

Summary drillers’ log and final information sheet

File names: GGC01 Final Log 070319.pdf and GCC01 Final info sheets 070319.pdf

The summary drillers’ log is a compilation by the drilling contractor of the daily drilling records. Please note the caveats above — that this was an on-site record through an opaque liner (only the ends of the rock core being visible). The final information sheet summarises the information from the daily drillers’ records and includes information on the depth of the seismometers installed.