Southern Region Chalk Group Lithostratigraphy: Sussex lithostratigraphy of Mortimore (1986a) - Cliffe Beds

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The Cliffe Beds, c. 3 m thick, are marked by the upper of the paired Navigation Marls at the base, and the Cliffe Hardground at the top (Mortimore, 1986a). They comprise soft chalk with common sheet flints and a pair of marl seams (Cliffe Marls) in the lower part, overlain by a unit of hard, nodular chalk and associated hardground (Cliffe Hardground), locally strongly iron-stained, glauconitised and phosphatised (Mortimore, 1986a).

The fauna of the Cliffe Beds is dominated by the echinoid Micraster normanniae and species of the inoceramid bivalve Cremnoceramus, notably C. rotundatus and C. waltersdorfensis (Mortimore, 1986a).

Macrofossil Biozonation: basal M. cortestudinarium Zone

Correlation: see Correlation with other Southern Region Chalk Group classifications

see Correlation with other UK Chalk Group successions


MORTIMORE, R N.1986a. Stratigraphy of the Upper Cretaceous White Chalk of Sussex. Proceedings of the Geologists' Association, Vol. 97(2), 97-139.

See: Marl, Sheet Flint, Nodular Chalk, Hardground