Category:South-west England Chalk Group Lithostratigraphy: Jukes-Browne & Hill, 1903, 1904

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The traditional tripartite subdivision of the Chalk Group established by the Geological Survey was based on work in East Anglia and the Chilterns (Penning & Jukes-Browne, 1881; Whitaker, 1861), and Jukes-Browne & Hill (1903, 1904) recognised problems with its strict application to south-west England because of major facies changes. Thus, while still recognising Lower, Middle and Upper Chalk, they also developed further subdivisions of the Lower Chalk to take account of its regionally distinctive character. Their classification is as follows:

Formation Member
Upper Chalk
Middle Chalk
Lower Chalk/
A A2


JUKES-BROWNE, A J & HILL, W.1903. The Cretaceous rocks of Britain. Vol. 2 - The Lower and Middle Chalk of England. Memoir of the Geological Survey of the United Kingdom.

JUKES-BROWNE, A J & HILL, W.1904. The Cretaceous rocks of Britain. Vol. 3 - The Upper Chalk of England. Memoir of the Geological Survey of the United Kingdom.

See: East Anglia Chalk Group Lithostratigraphy (Jukes-Browne & Hill, 1903, 1904)

Chilterns Chalk Group Lithostratigraphy (Jukes-Browne & Hill, 1903, 1904)