Citizen Science Suggestions

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Citizen science is a term used for projects in which individual volunteers or networks of volunteers, many of whom may have no specific scientific training, perform or manage research-related tasks such as observation, measurement, or computation.

The use of citizen science networks often allows scientists to accomplish research objectives more feasibly than would otherwise be possible. In addition, these projects aim to promote public engagement with the research, as well as with science in general.

BGS engages with citizens in this way to collect data and information to further our science through a number of initiatives; collecting information on felt earthquakes and engagement with school programmes to measure earthquake events, volcanic ash collection, soil property information gathering, flood and landslide event reporting to name a few (

Crowd sourcing is the practice of obtaining needed services, ideas, or content by soliciting contributions from a large group of people, and especially from an online community.

The two terms 'citizen science' and 'crowd sourcing' are often used interchangeably and indeed do have significant overlaps.

We would like here to 'crowd source' your ideas for new BGS 'citizen science' projects. What do you think would make a successful citizen science project? What would you be interested in getting involved with? It might be related to data collection such as the BGS smartphone apps [mySoil] and [myVolcano]. It might be related to helping us validate our existing data collections such as telling us where our [boreholes collections] are incorrect or where you think our [geology maps] need updating. perhaps you'd be interested in setting up some low-cost sensors e.g. to measure soil moisture that constantly measure and send the information to BGS. Maybe you'd like to help us digitise or catalogue some of our paper collections so we can make them more widely available e.g. our (thin section) collection was digitised entirely by volunteers. Perhaps you'd be interested in looking through photographs for examples of particular geological activity.

Please share with us your ideas by adding to this page.