Excursion to Maidenhead. Saturday, May 1st, 1909 - Geologists' Association excursion

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Chalk quarry at Hindhays Farm with flints in refular layers. Zone of Micraster cor-anguinum.

Geologists' Association Circular No. 108 Session 1908 1909 p.2.

Excursion to Maidenhead. Saturday, May 1st, 1909. (Transcription from GA Circular No. 108 Session 1908 1909 p.2)


Leave Paddington 2.20. Arrive Maidenhead 2.56. Return fare 2s. 6d. Meet Excursion Secretary in main line booking office not later than 2.5.

Walk to Boyn Hill, where there is a terrace of Thames Valley gravel at a height of about 80 ft. above the river. Several pits have yielded many palmoliths, mostly abraded and approaching the Chellden type of implement. In All Saints' Avenue, on the north of the hill, at a slightly lower level and apparently in a side valley, the gravel contains implements more nearly resembling the Acheulien forms.

Continue past Cookhatn Workhouse, and by footpath north-westward to Pinkneys Green Common, and thence to the Brick and Tile Works, where, by kind permission of Messrs. J. K. Cooper and Sons, examine a fine section of the sands and clays of the Reading Beds overlaid by brick-earth and pebbly gravel with sarsens. Palaeoliths have been found here at 200 ft. above the river.

Return to the Common, where are other brick-earth pits, and one small section showing the junction of the Chalk with the Reading Beds. Take the footpath south-eastward to Furze Platt, passing a large chalk quarry in the flinty part of the M. cor-auguinum-zone. At Furze Platt are two gravel pits at different levels both yielding palmoliths, the types and relative positions of which resemble those from Boyn Hill. Walk to Maidenhead by footpath. Total walking distance, five miles.

Tea will be arranged near station.

Return train leaves Maidenhead 8.12, arrives Paddington 9.8.


Geological Survey Map, old series, sheet 7, drift.

Ordnance Survey Map, 1-in. scale, new series, sheet 225.

Ordnance Survey Map, 6-in. scale, ¼-sheet Berkshire XXIV. S.W.


List of photographs

Page 67 P805325 Terrace gravel at Furze Platt showing 10 ft of well-stratified gravel belonging to the highest or Boyn Hill Terrace. Excursion to Maidenhead, May 1st 1909.
Page 67 P805326 Terrace gravel at Furze Platt showing 10 ft of well-stratified gravel belonging to the highest or Boyn Hill Terrace. Excursion to Maidenhead, May 1st 1909.
Page 67 P805327 Chalk quarry at Hindhays Farm with flints in refular layers. Zone of Micraster cor-anguinum. Excursion to Maidenhead, May 1st 1909.
Page 67 P805328 Chalk quarry at Hindhays Farm with flints in refular layers. Zone of Micraster cor-anguinum. Excursion to Maidenhead, May 1st 1909.