OR/14/011 CLiDE Model

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Barkwith, A* and Coulthard, T J**. 2011. CLiDE version 1.0 user guide. British Geological Survey Open Report, OR/14/011.

* British Geological Survey, Environmental Science Centre, Keyworth, Nottingham, NG12 5GG, UK
** Department of Geography, Environment and Earth Science, University of Hull, Cottingham Road, Hull, HU6 7RX, UK


This section details the process of running a simulation using the CLiDE platform, from initialisation to the file output stage. Post processing is discussed in the next section (Troubleshooting). The CLiDE platform may be used to simulate either real or idealised data cases using similar methods.


The platform is initialised using the input data described in Section 3. It is important that these files are, where necessary, consistent with each other and share the same grid information. Once the platform has been setup with the required data, an XML of the initialisation data may be saved under the Config File tab. By saving an XML of the initialisation data, future simulations may be initialised using the same files without having to re-enter the file name information or parameter values. An XML file from a previous simulation may be loaded by accessing the Open option under the Config File tab.

Once the correct data has been selected in the GUI, it can be loaded into the model using the load data button. Whilst loading the data, CLiDE checks the input datasets and parameters for consistency and flags errors. The error flags warn of possible errors and provide a solution for rectification. To rectify these errors the platform must be shut down and restarted. Not all errors will provide a flag during this process, it is therefore important to check that the model is running correctly and producing the expected output files (see Section 6).

Upon initialising the platform data, the simulation may be started by clicking the Start! button. If the platform is running, the iteration and time counters in the bottom of the GUI window will count up. The bottom left panel will also say what module the CLiDE platform is processing at the current time.

Figure 13    Snapshot of the CliDE GUI displaying changes to groundwater levels after 348 days of simulation.


During runtime several options are available including graphical, file saving and runtime options. The former two are described in Sections 4.4 and 4.5. The runtime options allow the sediment transport module to be switched off whilst the model is running (via the Hydrology only tab (Figure 13)). This reduces the required computational resources and therefore the runtime. This option is useful during the hydrological calibration stage of the simulation process, as sediment transport rates are not required. The other option available during runtime is to Grass now! (Figure 13). This option instantly provides vegetation to the areas adjacent to water flow paths within the model.

In addition to the time and iteration information displayed at the bottom of the GUI window the Qw panel indicates the volume of water (m3) removed from the domain by river flow during the previous iteration and Qs the volume of bedload sediment removed from the domain during the previous daily timestep (only available when erosion/deposition enabled in graphical options).

At any point within a simulation, the run may be terminated using the Quit and save button at the bottom of the GUI.

Save options

There are three types of data that can be saved during simulation. Time series files are continuously updated during the simulation and consist of one, usually large, file with limited spatial information. The remaining two save options capture data at a single point in time, either as graphical or ascii gridded formats, creating multiple smaller files at equally spaced intervals. The saving of files is controlled by both the set of options that are contained within the Setup tab (Section 3.4) and those in the Save Options bar at the top of the GUI (Figure 13).

Time series

The generate time series output option in the Setup tab (Figure 3) creates a single time series file (name specified in relevant box) of: time (mins), the water discharged from the system (cumecs), the catchment volume of rainfall (cumecs), catchment sediment loss through aeolian processes (m3), sediment discharged from the catchment through fluvial processes (m3) and the grainsize distribution of the sediment discharged by fluvial processes. The value of each of these variables is the cumulative over the defined output interval. The water balance created under the Hydrology tab will also create a daily time series, based on the water partitioning, surface water and groundwater components of the CLiDE platform.


The Generate Google Earth Animation parameters (Figure 13) allow the graphics generated by the GUI to be directly exported to Google Earth using a .kmz file. Images will be automatically saved as .png files in a folder named Animation based in the CLiDE executable home folder. The time interval (mins) is specified in the appropriate box and the start date of the simulation must match those used for initialisation (Section 3.5). The graphical options selected in the GUI (Section 4.5) at the specified time interval will be captured in the resultant .png file.


The temporal spacing of gridded output is controlled by the Save files every (mins) value (Figure 3) Every time the specified interval is reached a new set of gridded data is produced in the home folder from which the CLiDE executable was run. If the Unique file name option is selected, a time stamp is appended to every output gridded file. If this option is de-selected, each grid file is overwritten. The choice of which gridded data to save is made by selecting variables under the Save Option bar at the top of the GUI. Variables under this bar may be selected and deselected by clicked on the desire item. These save options will be recorded if an XML of the initialisation data is saved (Section 4.2)

Graphical options

The graphical output from the model may be toggeled on and off using the view tabs? check box (Figure 13). The graphical properties may be controlled using the two slide bars close to the top of the GUI. The zoom bar allows increased magnification if dragged to the right and reduced magnification if dragged to the left. The contrast slide bar only effects some of the variables on display. It further increases the contrast between higher and lower values for visible datasets if dragged to the right. The selection of variables to display is undertaken using the Top Graphics and Top Graphics II bars at the top of the GUI. Variables may be selected or deselected using by clicking on that particular variable. Variables further down the list are overlain on variables that occur further up the list.

To save computation resources, graphics are only updated at the interval provided in the save gridded data option (Section 4.4.3) or by clicking the update graphics button.