OR/14/029 Modelled surfaces/volumes

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Geological units modelled

In total, 64 superficial and artificial geological units were modelled (including mass movement deposits). Table 1 lists the units in broad stratigraphic order together with the BGS stratigraphic lexicon code for each (see https://www.bgs.ac.uk/lexicon/) and lithology. Standard BGS map colours have been used for all superficial units in the model (Figure 2). These should be referred to when viewing images of the model in this report. Note that the Head and Clay-with-flints deposits are known to be polycyclic, and in the case of the latter, its formation is likely to have started as early as the Pliocene

Inferred age LEXICON CODE Full name Lithology
Holocene deposits and artificially modified ground slip Landslide deposits Mass movement deposits; variable composition, dependent on the nature of the upslope material
wgr Worked Ground Artificially lowered area, or void, through man-made excavation, e.g. a gravel pit
mgr Made Ground Artificially raised areas, variable composition
wmgr Worked & Made Ground Area of artificial cut and fill, e.g. a backfilled quarry, variable composition
ddgr Disturbed Ground Area of disturbance associated with surface or near-surface collapse
lsgr Landscaped Ground Extensively remodelled areas where it is difficult to delineate zones of Made, Worked or Disturbed Ground. Variable composition
peat Peat Humic deposits, consisting of wet dark brown partially decomposed vegetation
tufa Tufa Inorganic calcium carbonate or sinter deposited at or near springs and seepages
alv Alluvium Fluvial deposits of modern flood plains, consisting of clay, silt, sand and peat
Late Anglian – Devensian glacigenic deposits and river terraces, various catchments rtdu River Terrace Deposits (undifferentiated) Sand and gravel deposits directly beneath alluvium
head Head Solifluction or hillwash deposit, composition dependent on source material. Usually gravelly sandy clay
cwf Clay-with-flints Formation Residual deposit formed through weathering of a previous cover of Palaeogene deposits, and through dissolution of Chalk bedrock. Typically orange-brown and red-brown sandy clay with flint nodules and pebbles
rtdo Pleistocene River Terrace Deposits (unclassified) Exposed river terrace deposits (not below alluvium). Composed of sand and gravel
igd Interglacial Deposits Composed of silty clay
lasi Langley Silt Member Varies from silt to clay, usually yellow brown and massively bedded
shgr Shepperton Gravel Member Gravel with clay and sand
no1a Northmoor Sand and Gravel Member Sand and gravel
rosi Roding Silt Member Varies from silt to clay, usually yellow brown and massively bedded
esi Enfield Silt Member Varies from silt to clay, usually yellow brown and massively bedded
cfsi Crayford Silt Member Varies from silt to clay, usually yellow brown, often contains wind-blown sand
kpgr Kempton Park Gravel Member Sand and gravel, with local lenses of silt, clay or peat
bggr Beenham Grange Gravel Member Sandy clayey gravel
sura Summertown-Radley Sand and Gravel Member Sand and gravel
rtd2 2nd river terrace deposit Sand and gravel
ilsi Ilford Silt Member Sandy clay and silt
tpgr Taplow Gravel Member Sand and gravel, locally with lenses of silt, clay or peat
thgr Thatcham Gravel Member Sandy clayey gravel
wv Wolvercote Sand and Gravel Member Sand and gravel
rtd3 3rd river terrace Sand and gravel
hagr Hackney Gravel Member Sand and gravel, locally with lenses of silt, clay or peat
lhgr Lynch Hill Gravel Member Sand and gravel, locally with lenses of silt, clay or peat
han Hanborough Gravel Member Sand and gravel
rtd4 4th river terrace deposits Sand and gravel
dasi Dartford Silt Member Varies from silt to clay, usually yellow brown, often contains wind-blown sand
figr Finsbury Gravel Member Sand and gravel, locally with lenses of silt, clay or peat
bht Boyn Hill Gravel Member Sand and gravel with possible lenses of silt, clay or peat
rtd5 5th river terrace deposits Sand and gravel
bpgr Black Park Gravel Member Sand and gravel with possible lenses of silt, clay or peat
rtd6 6th river terrace deposit Sand and gravel
sigr Silchester Gravel Member Clayey, sandy gravel