OR/17/045 Appendix 3 - School visits – feedback worksheet

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Duncan, M, Mee, K, Hicks, A, Engwell, S, Robertson, R, Forbes, M, Ferdinand, I, Jordan, C, and Loughlin, S. 2017. Using the 'myVolcano' mobile phone app for citizen science in St. Vincent and the Grenadines: a pilot study. British Geological Survey Open Report, OR/17/045.

myVolcano schools’ worksheet

Name: .................................................................................................................................................

Age: .....................................................................................................................................................

Gender: ...............................................................................................................................................

School: ................................................................................................................................................

Space for answers (questions will be provided during the presentation)

Background questions

1. Do you own a mobile/cellular phone? Yes/No

2. What type and (if a smart phone) what operating system (e.g. Android, Apple iOS, etc.)?

3. What apps do you use for sharing information online? (Tick all that apply)

Whats app
Others: ..........................................................

4. On a scale of “very easy” to “very difficult”, how do you find using myVolcano?

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5. How likely are you download the MyVolcano app?

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6. How likely are you to use MyVolcano for uploading your own observations (citizen science)?

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7. How likely are you to use the citizen science data uploaded by other people to MyVolcano?

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