OR/17/061 Appendix 2 - Key to phase data encoding

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Galloway, D D. 2017. Bulletin of British Earthquakes 2016. Nottingham, UK, British geological Survey. (OR/17/061).
Time Time of occurrence of event in hours, mins and secs, (UTC)
Lat Latitude of the event, N indicates North
Lon Longitude of the event, W indicates West, E indicates East
Depth Depth of the hypocentre in kilometres
Grid Ref UK National Grid Reference in kilometres east (kmE) and kilometres north (kmN) of grid origin
RMS Root Mean Square of the travel time residuals in seconds
Velocity Model Velocity model used in location
Magnitude Richter local magnitude of the event
Locality A geographical indication of the epicentral area, usually the nearest town followed by the region
Intensity Maximum EMS intensity. 2, 3, 4, 5 etc. describes the maximum EMS intensity produced by the event
Comments Additional comments about the event e.g.: C/F see list of comments and abbreviations in Appendix 1
STAT Station name
CO Z=vertical N=north south E=east west
DIST Distance from earthquake to station (km)
PHAS Phase identifier; the first letter characterizes onset E = emergent I = impulsive, the second indicates the phase e.g. P, S, PG, PN, IAML
WT Weighting factor to arrival. 0 or blank = full weighting to 4 = zero weighting (ignore). 9 = use P S interval only for this line
P Polarity C = Compression/up D = Dilatation/down
HrMn Hour, Minute of event
SECS Seconds of event
AMPL Amplitude centre to peak in nanometres (nm)
PERI Period in seconds
RES Station residual