OR/18/015 Earthquake parameters and their errors: Difference between revisions

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Galloway, D D. 2018. Bulletin of British Earthquakes 2017. British Geological Survey. (OR/18/015).

Hypocentre location

By accurately timing the signal onsets at a minimum of three stations, a location can be found for an earthquake that satisfies the observed pattern of arrivals. Instrumental locations in the bulletin were obtained using the computer program HYPOCENTER (Lienert and Havskov 1995[1]) that iteratively adjusts a trial hypocentre (latitude, longitude, depth, and origin time) until the observed and computed arrival times coincide closely. The accuracy of locations is dependent on distances from the closest stations, the distribution of the stations around the epicentre, the resolution to which signal onsets can be timed from the records, and the accuracy with which the seismic wave velocities through the Earth are known. The accurate determination of earthquake depth presents a more difficult problem, mainly because phase arrival patterns at the seismographs can still be satisfied for a large range of depths merely by adjusting the origin time to suit. Depth is usually only well constrained when there is a station very close to the epicentre. The best depth determinations are obtained when an earthquake or earthquake series occurs almost beneath a network. For events at larger distances the depth errors can be many kilometres.


All earthquakes in the bulletin have been assigned a local magnitude (ML) as defined by Richter (1935)[2]:

ML = log10 (A/A0)

Where A is the maximum deflection (centre to peak in mm) registered on a Wood-Anderson seismograph and A0 is that for a 'standard' magnitude zero earthquake at the same distance. The A0 term is thus a distance correction factor, tabulated by Richter to 200 km, and later adjusted to include up to 600 km. Although Richter intended his method to be an approximate quantification of earthquake size and his attenuation term, A0, strictly only applies to California, the formula is still used worldwide today. The ML magnitudes in this bulletin have been calculated according to Richter’s formula after converting the output of the BGS instruments to an equivalent Wood-Anderson deflection. Ideally, the measurements are made on two horizontal instruments and averaged but, if this is not possible, the mean of the magnitudes from a number of verticals are used. Ground motion registered at a seismograph varies with site conditions, distance and direction from the earthquake, and the nature of the ray path. Consequently, it is important to take the mean from a good distribution of stations. The resulting errors on magnitudes quoted in the bulletin will normally be less than 0.4 ML.


Intensity is a measure of the effect of the shaking produced by the earthquake on people, structures and objects. It decreases with distance from a maximum value (Imax) usually found close to the epicentre. The maximum felt intensity is quoted, where known, with reference to the European Macroseismic Scale (EMS), (Grünthal, 1998[3]).

Focal mechanism

Earthquake focal mechanisms provide information on the fault geometry and type of faulting that caused the earthquake, and can be used to better understand tectonic processes occurring within the Earth’s crust. Calculating them involves mapping directions where the initial motion of the seismic waves is up (compressional) or down (dilatational) on a spherical projection. This results in distinctive ‘beach-ball’ diagrams that show two shaded quadrants and two white quadrants that represent upward and downward initial motions. The dividing lines between the quadrants on the ‘beach-ball’ define the orientation of the fault planes and the directions of slip. It is not possible to determine which of the two possible fault planes shown in the mechanism is the actual fault, so a priori information such as aftershock distribution is sometimes used to determine the causative fault. The strike and dip describe the orientation of the fault, and the rake describes the direction of slip (-90° for thrust or reverse faulting, 90° for normal faulting and 0° or 180° for strike-slip). The axes of maximum and minimum compression are denoted by black and white squares, respectively. The grid search method of Snoke et al. (1984)[4] is used to determine the best-fitting fault plane solutions.


  1. Lienert, B R E, and Havskov, J. 1995. A computer program for locating earthquakes both locally and globally, Seis. Res. Lett., 66, 26–36.
  2. Richter, C. 1935. An instrumental earthquake magnitude scale, Bull.Seism. Soc.Am., 25, 1–32.
  3. Grünthal, G. (Ed) 1998. European Macroseismic scale 1998. Cahiers du Centre European de Geodynamique et de Seismologie. Vol. 15.
  4. Snoke, J A, Munsey, J W, Teague, A C, and Bollinger, G A. 1984. A program for focal mechanism determination by combined use of polarity and SV –P amplitude ratio data, Earthquake Notes, 55, 3, 15.