OR/18/042 Example field sheet

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Ward, J, Lapworth, D, Sorensen, J, and Nowicki, S. 2018. Assessing microbiological contamination in groundwater sources: Field note on using Tryptophan-like Fluorescence (TLF) probes. Nottingham, UK, British geological Survey. (OR/18/042).
General site information
Village Name Source type*:
Easting Northing
Elevation Date of completion
Name of assessor Date of assessment

* Borehole-hand-pump, Well-hand-pump, Well, Spring, Dug river bed well, Other

Sample ID           Sampling Time        TTC sample Y/N       

Trytophan Like Fluorescence (TLF) Measurment  
Notes: Manual tryptophan readings taken after stable readings are obtained

Water temperature (°C):
Turbidity (NTU):
SEC (mS/cm):


Water Point Sanitary Risk Survey e.g. for handpump borehole/well   Y/N  
1. Cement floor extends less than 0.75 metre diameter?
2. Ponding of water on the cement floor?
3. Cracks in the cement floor which could permit water to enter the well?
4. Pump loose where attached to the base allowing water to enter the casing?
5. Ponding beyond the cement floor within 3 metres of the well?
6. Drainage channel cracked, broken or in need of cleaning?
7. Animals have access to within 10 m of the well?
8. Latrines, including old latrines, within 10 m of the well?
9. Additional latrines, including old latrines, within 30 m of the well?
10. Open water sources within 20 m of the well?
11. Uncapped wells within 30 m of the well?
12. Scattered waste within 30 m of the well
13. Waste dumps within 30 m of the well?
Shallow wells only (for boreholes mark as N)  
14. Cover of the well insanitary?
15. Walls of the well inadequately sealed at any point below ground level?
16. Rope and bucket used?
Field Observations  
Photos taken of the water point
Depth to groundwater table (mbgl)