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Africa Groundwater Atlas >> Additional resources >> Soil

Soil in Africa

Maps of soil type for each country in Africa in this Atlas have been extracted from the Africa-wide harmonised soil map produced and owned by the European Soil Data Centre, part of the European Commission Joint Research Centre.

The soil map describes the dominant World Reference Base Reference Soil Group and associated qualifiers. It was derived by the European Soil Data Centre from the Harmonised World Soil Database, and updated and modified according to the World Reference Base for Soil Resources classification system.

The soil map of Africa is provided as part of the Soil Atlas of Africa, which is an excellent resource describing the changing nature of soil across the continent as well as essential background on soils globally and in Africa. The map is available to download from the European Soil Data Centre Portal as either a PDF or vector based (.shp or shapefile) GIS-enabled file.

If you reproduce any of the soil maps from this Atlas, please cite both the Africa Groundwater Atlas and the European Soil Data Centre.

Soil type classification across Africa. European Commission Joint Research Centre: European Soil Portal
Soil Classification
AC Acrisols AL Alisols AN Andosols AR Arenosols CH Chernozems CL Calcisols CM Cambisols CR Cryosols
DU Durisols FR Ferrasols FL Fluvisols GL Gleysols GY Gypsisols HS Histosols KS Kastanozems LP Leptosols
LX Lixisols LV Luvisols NT Nitisols PH Phaeozems PL Planosols PT Plinthosols PZ Podzols RG Regosols
SC Solonchaks SN Solonetz ST Stagnosols TC Technosols UM Umbrisols VR Vertisols WR Water Body


Dewitte, O, Jones, A, Spaargaren, O, Breuning-Madsen, H, Brossard, M, Dampha, A, Deckers, J, Gallali, T, Hallett, S, Jones, R, Kilasara, M, Le Roux, P, Michéli, E, Montanarella, L, Thiombiano, L, Van Ranst, E, Yemefack, M, Zougmore, R. 2013. Harmonisation of the soil map of Africa at the continental scale. Geoderma, 211-212, 138-153.

Jones A, Breuning-Madsen, H, Brossard, M, Dampha, A, Deckers, Dewitte, O, Gallali, T, Hallet, S, Jones, R, Kilasara, M, Le Roux, P, Michéli, E, Montanarella, L, Spaargaren, O, Thiombiano, L, Van Ranst, E, Yemefack, M, and Zougmore, R (edsitors). 2013. Soil Atlas of Africa. European Commission, Publications Office of the European Union, Luxembourg. 176 pp. ISBN 978-92-79-26715-4, doi 10.2788/52319

Panagos, P, Van Liedekerke, M, Jones, A, Montanarella, L. 2012. European Soil Data Centre: Response to European policy support and public data requirements. Land Use Policy, Vol. 29, 329-338. doi:10.1016/j.landusepol.2011.07.003

Spaargaren, O, Schad, P, and Michéli, E. 2010. Guidelines for constructing small-scale map legends using the WRB. FAO, Rome.

Africa Groundwater Atlas >> Additional resources >> Soil