Southern Region Chalk Group Lithostratigraphy: Sussex lithostratigraphy of Mortimore (1986a) - Sussex White Chalk Formation

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This term was introduced by Mortimore (1983) for all the chalk above the Plenus Marls to the base of the Tertiary erosion surface, and follows Rowe's (1900-1908) concept of the White Chalk in his studies of coastal sections.


MORTIMORE, R N.1983. The stratigraphy and sedimentation of the Turonian - Campanian in the Southern Province of England. Zitteliana, Vol. 10, 27-41.

ROWE, A W. 1900-1908. Zones of the White Chalk of the English Coast. Proceedings of the Geologists' Association, Vol 16 (1900), 289-368; Vol. 17 (1902), 1-76; Vol. 18 (1903), 1-51, (1904), 193-296; Vol. 20 (1908), 209-352.

See: Plenus Marls