Walcot Gibson D.Sc., F.R.S.(L and E).

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Date Details
1843 Joined Survey (Fossil Collector). 8th July.
1872 Retired. 26th January.
1878 Died January 13th.
1864 Born August 24th. Educated at Bromsgrove School; Mason Science College; and Royal College of Science.
1889-1891 Geological work in South Africa.
1891-1893 Geological work in East Africa.
1893 Joined Survey.
1901 Geologist.
1913 District Geologist.
1920 Assistant to Director.
Assistant Director, Scotland.
1925 Retired.
1925 F.R.S.
1941 Died 28th November at Cambridge.

Biographies and obituaries


BGS archives