Excursion to Godstone, Saturday, June 17th, 1916 - Geologists' Association excursion

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Geologists' Association Circular No. 188. Session 1915–1916 p.2

Godstone. June 17th, 1916 (Transcription from: GA Circular No. 188. Session 1915–1916 p.2)


EXCURSION SECRETARY: MISS GRACE BIGBY, 15, Stonehill's Mansion, Streatham, S.W.

Outward train, Cannon Street, 12.55 p.m., or London Bridge, 12.59; due at Caterham 1.41 p.m.

Return train, Caterham, 7.38 p.m.; due at Cannon Street at 8.42 p.m.

Take return ticket 2s. 4d. to Caterham.

Distance to be walked about 7 miles. Arrangements will be made for tea at Godstone.

From Caterham Station wa1k southward by Upwood (Tupwood of the old map) to the escarpment of the North Downs to see an outlier of Blackheath Pebble-beds,and to obtain a good view over the Wealden tract.

Then descend the escarpment to the old quarries, on the western side of the high road. These were worked for the firestone, etc., of the upper Greensand, and the entrances into the underground workings show good sections. At one place the stone can be seen in an open work.

Then cross the road to the quarries at the foot of the escarpment eastward, at one of which near Quarry Farm the underground working will be seen.

In places, besides the junction of the Chalk and Upper Greensand, there is to be seen a bed of Recent age, to which the name Scarp Drift has been applied elsewhere. It is the down-wash from the Chalk-hills, and contains many land-shells of living species, notably Cyclostoma.

Returning to the high road the walk will be extended southward to Godstone. After tea the party will visit a quarry in the sand of the Folkestone Beds, by the roadside in Godstone village. Here the lower sand was originally worked underground, but now the whole is got from an open pit. The walk will be continued northward along the high road across the outcrop of the Gault, and through. the gap in the Chalk-hills to Caterham.


Geological Survey Map. Old Series. Sheet 6.

Ordnance Survey Map. 1 inch, New Series. 2 3 6.

1885. HOLMES, T. V. "Notes on the Oldhaven Beds at Caterham." Proc. Geol. Assoc., vol. ix, p. 105.

1900. WHITAKER, W. "Excursion to Caterham. Godstone, and Tilburstow" Proc. Geol. Assoc., vol. xvi, p 510.


Excursion to Godstone, June 17th 1916

List of photographs

Excursion to Godstone, June 17th 1916

Page 95 P804809 Scarp Drift overlying Upper Greensand. Horse Shaw, Godstone. Excursion to Godstone, June 17th 1916.
Page 95 P804810 Scarp Drift overlying Upper Greensand. Horse Shaw, Godstone. Excursion to Godstone, June 17th 1916.
Page 95 P804811 Scarp Drift overlying Greensand near Quarry Farm. Excursion to Godstone, June 17th 1916.
Page 95 P804812 Open working of Upper Greensand. Excursion to Godstone, June 17th 1916.