OR/16/020 Appendix 1

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Loveless, S, and Smith, N. 2016. Summary of potential oil and gas formations in England for use in groundwater vulnerability assessments. British Geological Survey Internal Report, OR/16/020.

Lithological codes used in the GVS, see Table 1.

Lithology code Lithological description
SDSL Sandstone, siltstone
MDSS Mudstone, siltstone and sandstone
LMSD Interbedded limestone and mudstone
LMCS Limestone and calcareous sanstone
MDST Mudstone
SLAR Sandstone, limestone and argillaceous rocks
SDLI Sandstone, limestone and ironstone
MSLS Mudstone, siltstone, limestone and sandstone
SDST Sandstone
SDSM Sandstone, siltstone and mudstone
DLDO Dolomitised limestone and dolomite
SCON Interbedded sandstone and conglomerate
SISDM Siltstone and sandstone with subordinate mudstone
MSCI Mudstone, siltstone, sandstone, coal, ironstone
MDSD Mudstone and sandstone interbedded
LSSA Mudstone with subordinate sandstone and argillaceous rocks
LMST Limestone
LSSM Limestone, sandstone, siltstone and mudstone