Geology of the Bath area: Cretaceous

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This topic provides a summary of the geology of the Bath area – covered by the British Geological Survey
1:50k geological map sheet 265.

Authors: A J M Barron, T H Sheppard, R W Gallois, P R M Hobbs and N J P Smith (BGS).

The Cretaceous is represented only by rocks of the Lower Greensand Group (LGS) Approximately 20 m of strata are preserved within the district, and lie with a marked unconformity on the Upper Jurassic rocks, capping a plateau around Bowden Park. They probably form a local representative of the Seend Ironstone Formation seen further south (Hopson et al., 2008)[1], and consist of glauconitic shelly medium- to coarse-grained sand and sandstone, weathering to reddish brown.


  1. Hopson, P M, Wilkinson, I P, and Woods, M A. 2008.  A stratigraphical framework for the Lower Cretaceous of England.  British Geological Survey Research Report, RR/08/03.

Geology of the Bath area — contents