Thomas B. Jordan

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T.B. Jordan. From: Survey staff photographs. Geological Survey and Museum and Royal School of Mines, 1850-1910. IGS1.639. BGS Photograph number P575733.


Date Details
Educated in the mining districts of Cornwall.
1840 Appointed first Keeper of Mining Records at Craig’s Court 10th Oct, also in charge of model room.
1845 Resigned 29th March.
1890 Died May 31st (aged 82).

Biographies and obituaries

Details Obituary - James Brown Jordan (1838-1915). Mineralogical Magazine. v. 18 p.139-139. 1919

Newspaper obituary with ms.

BGS archives

Ref No Title Description
GSM/DC/A/C/1/165, 168 T B Jordan: Letters from H T De la Beche
GSM/DC/A/C/1/238, 243 T B Jordan: Letters on increase of salary
GSM/DC/A/C/8/416 T B Jordan: Letters from H T De la Beche.