Geologists' Association Carreck Archive

The Carreck Archive is a record of the Geologists' Association (GA) field activities from the 1890s to the present. It is mostly albums of black and white photographic prints from a range of GA field meetings, with named locations, sections, and pictures of GA members on those excursions. Other material includes albums of negatives, bundles of photographic prints and other ephemera relating to the GA, e.g. menus from the annual dinners, postcards, letters etc. — all very interesting material for historians of geology.
The GA was founded in 1858 with the purpose of bringing together enthusiasts from all levels and ages, a tradition it still carries out today with its encouragement for 'geology for all'. The GA Carreck Archive, named after Marjorie Carreck, who was the coordinator and custodian of the collection for fifty years, has been professionally conserved for the GA. The collection was formally deposited with the BGS in June 2012 and is held in proper archival conditions along with the other two collections. The collection is undergoing digitisation and this resource is the release of the first tranche of albums.
Below is a list of those albums that have been released. It includes the album title, a brief description of the contents and a link to view the album. There is also a list of items in the collection that will be released at a later date: this is provided to allow users to gain a clear picture of the extent of the whole collection.
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Organization of the Archive on Earthwise
The Carreck Archive on Earthwise
This page is the main entry point where digital copies of the individual volumes in the archive can be viewed
List of field excursions (under construction)
- List of field excursions by year A systematic listing of field excursions with a note of title, PGA reference and link to an individual excursion page on Earthwise (if available). Year range is 1862 to 1979.
- Selected field excursions by title For some individual field excursions excursion pages have been added to Earthwise. They contain the text and page image of the Circular announcing the excursion as well as numerous photographs taken on the trips.
Geologists' Association 'green' albums, portraits and excursion group photographs

These two key albums of the GA focus on photographs of members.
The first volume (70 pages) contains portraits of early GA members and then photographs of individuals or groups of members taken on GA field excursions 1922–1977.
The second volume (12 pages) contains photographs of individuals or groups of members taken on GA field excursions 1979 to 1996.
Edmund Ernest Stockwell Brown (1892–1959)

Edmund Ernest Stockwell Brown (known as Ernest) was born in Lewisham on 21st October 1892. He joined the Post Office as a boy clerk in 1908 and worked there for 34 years. In 1942 he was transferred to the Ministry of Supply, heading up a mission to Brazil to purchase minerals of strategic importance. On his return he took a post at the Ministry of Civil Aviation where he remained until his retirement in 1953.
His personal interest and lifelong passion for geology started when he was 15, collecting fossils and visiting local geology, particularly the Lower Tertiary of south-east London. He joined the Geologists' Association in 1913, becoming one of its greatest advocates. He was the GA's general secretary for a record 12 years (1925–1937) — a service that was celebrated by GA past presidents and council at a special dinner at Stewart's Restaurant in Piccadilly on 26 February 1937 — and GA President from 1948–1950.
Ernest and his wife Nellie were faithful attendees of field meetings and always welcoming to old and new members. Much of the growth of the Association between the war years was due to the enthusiasm and encouragement of Ernest and Nellie.
Ernest helped select many of the photographs in the GA albums. Using his own photographs as well as those donated by GA members, he compiled several albums for the Association organised by geographical area and geological subject. These, together with a number of Ernest and Nellie's personal albums documenting the many field meetings they joined at home and abroad, were donated to the Carreck Archive by their daughter Mollie.
Link to album | Album title | Description |
GA055 | E E S Brown album. Geologists' Association photograph album [Black] Volume I | Geologists' Association collection of geological photographs. Created by Mr E E S Brown. Volume I. Photographs are arranged by geographical area and cover assorted locations in England and Ireland (see GA049 Vol II and GA0138 Volume III) |
GA049 | E E S Brown Brown album. Geologists' Association photograph album [Black] Volume II | Geologists' Association collection of geological photographs. Created by Mr E E S Brown. Volume II. Photographs are arranged by stratigraphic period, glacial to Precambrian (see GA055 Vol II and GA0138 Volume III) |
GA138 | E E S Brownalbum. Geologists' Association photograph album [Black] Volume III | Geologists' Association collection of geological photographs Volume III. Photographs are arranged by stratigraphy, from Recent to Cambrian with igneous and pre-historic sections. Includes a typescript obituary of Mr E E S Brown, MBE, FGS (see GA049 Vol II and GA055 Volume I) who compiled the photograph albums and which were donated to the GA in 1959 by Mrs M M Owen (Mollie Brown — his daughter). |
GA013 | E E S Brown album. Geologists' Association album [green] [1] | Photographs from assorted GA field excursions, 1900s–1920s. Archaean, Cambrian, Carboniferous, Cretaceous, Devonian, Eocene, glacial, human remains, igneous, Jurassic, Lias, Permian, physical, Pleistocene, Pliocene, Silurian, Triassic, Wealden. |
GA014 | E E S Brown album. Geologists' Association album [green] [2] | GA foreign field excursions to Atlantic islands, Austria, Belgium, Canada, Canada?, Cyprus, Egypt, France, Germany, Italy, Montenegro, Norway, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland. |
GA017 | E E S Brown album. Geologists' Association album [brown] | Arranged by geological subject. Carboniferous, Cretaceous, igneous, Jurassic physical, Recent, Tertiary, Wealden. |
GA015 | E E S Brown album [light red] | North Wales, Llyn Peninsula, Steyning June 1939 and August 1939 [E E S Brown?] |
GA019 | E E S Brown album [dark red] | GA excursion to Angers August 1928 and to St. Davids and Ramsay Island 1930. |
Elsie Giles
This extensive collection of well catalogued photographs, we believe, was compiled by Elsie Giles. The first three volumes are assumed to be photographs by Giles, while a fourth volume contains photographs from other individual photographers, many of whom were members the Geologists’ Association. Going by the notebooks, the early photographs (Giles Series 1-17 1920 to 1922) are missing. The surviving collection spans 'Series 18 to 36' 1922–1934. In total all four volumes of photographs and two volumes of notebooks are made available here.
Unfortunately little is known about Elsie Giles and it is uncertain whether she was a member of the Geologists’ Association, nevertheless, the photographs that she compiled are an important part of the Carreck Photographic Archive.
Link to album | Album title | Description |
GA147 | Elsie Giles photographs: Series 18-24. 1922–1925. | Photographs taken by Elsie Giles between 1918 and 1922. Earlier photographs for series 1 to 17 are missing. |
GA148 | Elsie Giles photographs: Series 25-34. 1926–1934. | Photographs taken by Elsie Giles between 1925 and 1934. |
GA149 | Elsie Giles photographs: 1935-. | Photographs taken by Elsie Giles from 1936 onwards. |
GA150 | Elsie Giles collection – Photographs taken by others. | The following are mentioned on the front cover: Dix, Lady Stiles, A.G. Stenhouse, TB Peel, E Ransom, J Ransom, Rosendahl, W.D. Hewitt, W.E. Howarth, H.L. Hawkins WH Bennett. |
GA151 | Elsie Giles notebook no 1. Series 1 to 34 plus miscellanoeus lists. | Detailed list of photographs taken by Elsie Giles. |
GA152 | Elsie Giles notebook no. 2. | This notebook records photographs taken by the following: W.H. Bennett, A. E. Bruckshaw, Miss E.V. Colebrook, E.V.Colebrook, Miss E. Dix, Mr. Duncan (per Prof. Wills), Miss E.M. Gale, Prof. H.L. Hawkins, H. Dixon Hewitt, W.E. Howarth, Sir A Kitson, Prof. H.P. Lewis, A.G. MacGregor, T.B. Peel, E. Ranson, J. Ransom, W.G. Rose, Dr. Halnor Rosendahl, W.G. Shannon, A. G. Stenhouse, Lady Stiles, Dr. F.M. Trotter, Prof A.E. Trueman, L. W. Wilkins, E.J. Wooff, Miss Yeates, Photos miscellaneous. |
Henry Dixon Hewitt (1878–1966)

Described in his obituary as from south-east London and 'towards the end of his life an unmistakeable Cockney', Henry Dixon Hewitt joined the GA in 1920. Among his interests was photography and he recorded a number of the long excursions of the Association. Dixon Hewitt was noted as one of the last old-fashioned field naturalists considered as a keen observer in many branches of science. He had a particularly keen eye '... missing nothing on a walk whether it was a chalk or greensand fossil, a fragment of Roman pottery, a new locality for a rare plant or a new species of snail in his garden'. He used '... an old-fashioned quarter-plate box camera with an excellent lens and as he always processed his own plates, his photographs were always of first quality', carefully labelled in copperplate Indian ink and compiled in albums reflecting a personal view of his travels. He exhibited photographs at the annual meetings and donated many to the Association's album including is albums of field meetings to Scotland, Ulster and the Boulonnais.
Link to album | Album title | Description |
GA137 | H D Hewitt album assorted 1920–1928 | Geological photographs. Taken between 1920 and 1928. Not including those taken during the Geologists' Association long meetings. H D Hewitt October 1951 |
GA135 | H D Hewitt album, Le Boulonnais, 1923 | H D Hewitt volume. Le Boulonnais. Photographs taken during a holiday on the north coast of France, August – September 1923 |
GA051 | H D Hewitt album Sutherland, Caithness and Ross 1929 | H D Hewitt album (Black). Photographs taken in the counties of Sutherland, Caithness and Ross on my trip to the 'furtherst north' of Britain's mainland. July 27 – August 9 1929. |
GA136 | H D Hewitt album. Lowlands of Scotland, 1948 | H D Hewitt album. Over the Border. Photographs taken during a holiday in the Lowlands of Scotland, July August, 1948 |
GA052 | H D Hewitt album. Ulster, 1935 | Photographs taken in north-east Ireland, August 1935. |
Mary Sophia Johnston (1875-1955)

Miss Mary Sophia Johnston (1875-1955) joined the Geologists’ Association in 1898 and she became a life-long supporter of the GA. Notably she was secretary to the Illustrations and Photographic Committee from 1910 to 1925. She took responsibility for maintaining the Association’s albums of geological photographs regularly exhibiting them at the Annual Conversazione (today’s GA Festival). She lived in London, near Kew Gardens, and joined many GA field trips at home and abroad. She was widely travelled attending International Geological Congresses in Spain, France and South Africa, the British Association meeting in Canada, as well as visiting Egypt and New Zealand.
The two albums reproduced here were her own private record of field meetings she had attended between 1890 and 1937. M.S. Johnston was not usually a photographer asking friends to send her copies of their photographs. These albums are among the most personal and fascinating in the Carreck Photographic Archive. They illustrate GA members enjoying their field excursions and meetings, and are particularly well annotated. They also include letters, postcards, sketches and signatures sent to, and collected, by M.S. Johnston.
Leach, A.L., 1956. Mary Sophia Johnston (Obituary) Proceedings of the Geologists’ Association, 67, 197-199.
Mary Sophia Johnston (1875-1955): a passion for geology and photography. Exploring Surrey's past website article.
Link to album | Album title | Description |
GA044 | GA 'Carreck Archive'. M.S. Johnston album {1} | One of two key volumes in the Carreck Archive. A scrapbook type compilation of photographs, correspondence, signatures and other ephemera. The focus is GA field trips and their attendees though other subjects are covered. |
GA045 | GA 'Carreck Archive'. M.S. Johnston album {2} | One of two key volumes in the Carreck Archive. A scrapbook type compilation of photographs, correspondence, signatures and other ephemera. The focus is GA field trips and their attendees though other subjects are covered. |
Edmund R Martin
There is little known about Edmund Martin. He joined the GA in 1913 and was then resident in Shepherd's Bush. There is a record of his photograph donations to the GA in 1919 and 1920, of which some were used in the Proceedings. In 1915 he is listed among those GA members serving in the Great War — he was a member of the Honourable Artillery Company.
His donated album covers the years 1912–1958 reflecting his keen participation in field excursions, mainly in Southern England.
Link to album | Album title | Description |
GA053 | E R Martin photograph album [Light green] 1912–1958 | Edmund Richard Martin album. Mostly southern England. |
Thomas William Reader (1860–1923)

Thomas William Reader (1860–1923) joined the GA in 1903. He attended GA field meetings between 1907 and 1919, meticulously photographing and recording the localities visited, which he compiled in a series of 12 albums that were subsequently donated to the Association. Reflecting the skill, quality and contribution of T W Reader's photography, more than 100 of his photographs were published in the Proceedings. He had a long involvement with the Essex Field Club, was their librarian for a number of years, curated the collections of the Essex Museum of Natural History in West Ham, and regularly presented to the Field Club on diverse subjects including 'Plant Life of Past Ages' and the 'Evolutionary History of carts and waggons'. In 1920 he became the first recipient of the GGA's Foulerton Award for work of merit connected to the Association.
Link to album | Album title | Description |
GA007 | The T W Reader geological photographs 1907, 1908 & 1909 | Short excursions around London. Descending a denehole at Hangman's Wood. Excursion to Avebury and Winterbourne Bassett, July 4th 1908. Excursion to Belvoir, September 17th 1908. Excursion to Brighton, May 8th 1909. Excursion to Dartford and Stone, February 29th 1908. Excursion to Eridge, May 22nd 1909. Excursion to Foots Cray and Orpington, April 24th 1909. Excursion to Hastings, June 22nd 1907. Excursion to Hastings, June 22nd, 23rd, 24th 1907. Excursion to Hertingfordbury and Hertford, March 20th 1909. Excursion to Laindon Hills, July 13th 1907. Excursion to Leighton Buzzard, April 4th 1908. Excursion to Maidenhead, May 1st 1909. Excursion to Northwood and Croxley Green, July 24th 1909. Excursion to Orford and the Darent Valley, July 3rd 1909. Excursion to Penshurst and the Medway Valley, May 30th 1908. Excursion to Ponders End, April 3rd 1909. Excursion to Potters Bar, April 11th 1908. Excursion to Reading, September 28th 1907. Excursion to Rochester, July 9th 1907. Excursion to Swanscombe and Galley Hill. |
GA008 | The T W Reader geological photographs 1910, 1911 & 1912 | Short excursions around London. Basingstoke excursion, May 13th 1911. Bishop Stortford excursion, June 10th 1911. Bracknell excursion, April 8th 1911. Bushey excursion, June 24th 1911. Chilworth and St. Martha's Hill excursion, May 20th 1911. Excursion to Arlesey and Letchworth, July 9th 1910. Excursion to Audley End and Saffron Walden, July 22nd 1911. Excursion to Aylesbury, Hartwell and Stone, July 27th 1912. Excursion to Borstal, June 22nd 1912. Excursion to Charnwood Forest, September 8th 1910. Excursion to Chilmark and the Vale of Wardour, July 15th 1911. Excursion to Clandon, May 11th 1912. Excursion to Claygate, June 15th 1912. Excursion to Erith, March 30th 1912. Excursion to Ewell, July 6th 1912. Excursion to French Street and Sundridge, June 4th 1910. Excursion to Gomshall [unknown date]. Excursion to Grays Thurrock, April 9th 1910. Excursion to Greenhithe, April 20th 1912. Excursion to Guildford and Godalming, July 1st 1911. Excursion to Hedgerley and Burnham Beeches, September 3rd 1910. |
GA003 | The T W Reader geological photographs 1913 | Short excursions around London. Excursion to Beddington and Waddon, April 19th 1913. Excursion to Bentley Suffolk, April 5th 1913. Excursion to Charlton, March 29th 1913. Excursion to Chertsey, April 12th 1913. Excursion to Crayford, June 20th 1913. Excursion to Dartford Heath, May 17th 1913. Excursion to Faringdon, May 24th 1913. Excursion to Farnham, May 3rd 1913. Excursion to GNR New Line Cuffley to Hertford, July 5th 1913. Excursion to Harefield, April 26th 1913. Excursion to Royal Albert Docks, October 4th 1913. Excursion to St. Albans, September 13th 1913. Excursion to Sudbury, Suffolk, June 14th 1913. Excursion to Swanscombe, June 7th 1913. Excursion to Tonbridge, May 31st 1913. |
GA011 | The T W Reader geological photographs long excursions 1910 | Swanage Excursion, May 1910. |
GA005 | The T W Reader geological photographs long excursions 1911 & 1912 | [Excursion to the north-east of England May 1912]. Taunton excursion, June 1911. |
GA006 | The T W Reader geological photographs long excursions 1913 | [Excursion to the Lizard, March 1913.]. Minehead excursion, June 1913. Nottingham excursion, May 1913. |
GA004 | The T W Reader geological photographs 1914 & 1916 | Short excursions around London. [Excursion to] Gomshall & Shere, September 9th, 1916. [Excursion to] Hayes, Keston, and Upper Valley of the Ravensbourne, July 8th 1916. [Excursion to] Newlands Corner, September 23rd 1916. Excursion to Ashtead and Headley, June 26th 1916. Excursion to Ayot, May 9th 1914. Excursion to Bickley & Chiselhurst, July 11th 1914. Excursion to Blue Bell Hill & Burham, June 20th 1914. Excursion to Coweroft Brickfield, Chesham, July 15th 1916. Excursion to Edmonton, March 28th 1914. Excursion to Godstone, June 17th 1916. Excursion to Gomshall, [September 23rd 1916.] Excursion to Gomshall, September 23rd 1916. Excursion to Greenhithe, April 25th 1914. Excursion to Hertford & Stevenage, May 2nd 1914. Excursion to Hindhead, July 4th 1914. Excursion to Horsley, May 23rd 1914. Excursion to Netley Heath, September 23rd 1916. Excursion to North Downs near Marden Park, September 26th 1914. Excursion to Royal Albert Docks, March 21st 1914. Excursion to Soulbury, Stewkley & Wing, July 18th 1914. E |
GA001 | The T W Reader geological photographs long excursions 1914. Part 1 | Excursion to north Cornwall, April 1914. (Whole album.) |
GA002 | The T W Reader geological photographs long excursions 1914. Part 2 | Excursions to north Cornwall, April 1914. Derbyshire July 1914. Lyme Regis May 1914. |
GA012 | The T W Reader geological photographs long excursions 1916 | [Excursion to Mere, April 22nd 1916.] [Settle Excursion.] Excursion to Mere, April 21st 1916. Excursion to Mere, April 22nd 1916. Excursion to Mere, April 24th 1916. Excursion to Mere, April 25th 1916. Excursion to Mere, April 26th 1916. Settle excursion. |
GA010 | The T W Reader geological photographs long excursions, Roman wall excursion | [Excursion to the Dorset coast, no date]. [Excursion to the Roman wall, no date]. |
GA009 | The T W Reader geological photographs long excursions 1919 | Bristol excursion, [no date, April 1919]. Bristol Excursion, April 17th 1919. Bristol excursion, April 19th 1919. Bristol excursion, April 1919. Excursion to Beddington, April 12th 1919. Excursion to Berkhamsted (Little Heath), April 26th 1919. Excursion to Codicote, May 10th 1919. Excursion to Epsom, May 24th 1919. Excursion to Greenhithe and Stone, August 30th 1919. Excursion to Plumstead, March 22nd 1919. Excursion to Walter's Ash [Walters Ash], July 26th 1919. Excursion to Woking, May 3rd 1919. Llangollen excursion, August 17th 1919. |
Rosalie N Yeates (d. 1967)

Rosalie Yeates joined the GA in 1913 and was Honorary Librarian from 1924–1932. As librarian she undertook a complete revision of the Association's journal exchange list. She was a regular participant in both the field and ordinary meetings of the GA and acted as field meeting secretary for the long excursion to Bournemouth in 1926. She taught geology and geography at a Midland training college for teachers until her retirement, and was a close friend Miss Grace Bauer, one of the great characters of the GA and founder of the Midland GA Group.
Miss Yeates's album from the 1934 long excursion to Norway is presented here. About 60 members of the Association visited Norway from 2–15 August 1934 and were guided throughout by the Norwegian Geological Survey.
On Monday 6th August,
- "The party travelled by train to Skien and on the journey here occurred an episode probably unique in the long history of the Association's Field Meetings. At an intermediate station the train was stopped and there was brought into the party's special coach a large box of specimens. These had been collected from the area to the west and consisted of specimens of Telemark granite and its varieties. It was explained that there would be no opportunity to visit the area so the "quarry" had been brought to the party. Members availed themselves fully of this unexpected provision and appreciated this example of forethought for their benefit."
For a full account of the excursion see: Holtedahl, O, and Kolderup, C. 1934. Summer field meeting, August 9th to 20th, 1934, Norway. Proceedings of the Geologists' Association, Volume 45, Issue 3, 378–388.
Link to album | Album title | Description |
GA056 | Miss R N Yeates album, Norway | Visit of members of the Geologists' Association to Norway. August 1934. Miss Rosalie N Yeates. |
Albums with unknown attribution
Link to album | Album title | Description |
GA018 | Album [mustard] | Mostly postcards, Gigon and Paris September 1922; Paris to Biarritz June 1923. Refer to a Nellie and Ernest [Brown??] |
GA050 | [Geologists' Association photograph album] [Black bound] [2] | Italy, the main active volcanoes. Di Nisida, The Phlegraean Fields, Vesuvius, Etna, Vulcano, Stromboli [No attribution] |
GA062 | Loose photographs from bundle 1 [Unknown photographer] | Loose photographs including an envelope 'Photos by Hawkins, Bordeaux' |
GA059 | Snapshots album [Marbled grey] [Unknown photographer] | Backyard experiments (unknown) and Hadrian's Wall |
GA057 | Snapshots album [Red] [Unknown photographer] | GA in Ireland August 1935. N M & E. GA at Cardiff June 1936. Appleby/Northumberland. GA at Charnwood Forest, Leicester weekend, September 25–27th 1936 |
GA016 | Faded blue album [Unknown photographer] | GA field meeting at Dumfries, July 31st – August 11th 1937. Leader Dr J Pringle. Llandridod Wells July 6th – 21st 1940 |
GA054 | Photographs album [Tan brown] | Geologists' Association in Norway, August 1934; GA at Denbighshire, Easter 1935; holiday August 1935. N.E. & M. Northern Ireland. |
Non-photographic archives
Link to album | Album title | Description |
GA058 | Geologists' Association photograph album [Light grey and white] | Presentation volume to Grace M Bauer on the occasion of 40 years active service as secretary to many field meetings of the GA and originator of the Midland Group |
GA104 | Letter Notebook | Early correspondence (1860s onwards) bound in a notebook |
Larwood, J G. Geotourism: an early photographic insight through the lens of the Geologists' Association. In: Appreciating Physical Landscapes: Three Hundred Years of Geotourism. Geological Society, London, Special Publications Vol. 417, 2016.
McIntosh, R P. Historical geological photograph collections at the British Geological Survey. Edinburgh Geologist. Issue No. 53. Spring 2013. 5.5 MB pdf